Mol buys Friendster

I suppose Malaysian was very happy yesterday – MOL buying Friendster? How do you feel?

if I am the CEO I will not approved the acquisition of Friendster – it simply too expensive.

MOL business has excess annual revenue of USD1.8 billions a year thinks that Friendster is a good buy for USD100 millions.

Why would Friendster is so important to MOL? Or be profitable to MOL?

Facebook has reached 350 millions active users recently and I thought to myself, wow! I think it’s time Friendster to look for buyer and sell their social networking off before Facebook ripped them apart! True enough that someone is buying and that a malaysian company MOL is ready to cash out.

Google today worth 153.4 billions as of October 2009, offered a buyout for Friendster in 2003 for ONLY 30 millions!

After 7 long years, Friendster has only 115 millions users (Their outdated blog says 85 millions) while Facebook is at 350 millions currently. Facebook launch their service 2 years later after Friendster.

Friendster stay the same, same design ever since. No sense of direction or purpose. I received lot of porno SPAM daily.

Screen shot 2009-12-11 at 10.27.15 PM

Facebook has no sign of slowing down and I think Friendster is no way a profitable company given the low engagement of users – Friendster is so outdated.

Would you be joining Friendster to play online games?

I notice Friendster’s developer are not actively using the site APIs as much as Facebook! I haven’t seen any plugins or anything that can be use on a websites.

Buying Friendster means redesign the whole thing and start from zero – personally I don’t think it’s a good buy.

14 responses to “Mol buys Friendster”

  1. Are they stil alive? You (and anyone else) dont mention friendster anymore. Seems like they were eaten or superseeded by such giants like Facebook etc ? All things come to their end ?

  2. rumours says that ICQ is going to be bought by russians, because its most widely used in .ru

    Anyways i’d like to use jabber now (yes , Google Talk is jabber based too)

    • I remember ICQ was very famous in the 90s! ICQ was all over the news 🙂 in Chinese movie, ICQ was featured countless time!

      I log on from time to time on ICQ, I keep my Gtalk on 24/7.

      Jabber/Gtalk are really light weight… easy to use.

      Facebook should use Jabber so I can connect with my friends! alas, Bummer!

      • chinese are using mostly Q-Q,

        while the most popular in the world is MSN,

        Jabber is open protocol , so if someone (like Google , or Facebook , or Yandex (russian search-engine, still more used here than Google)) create their own IM, based on jabber , thats good )

          • icq was one of the first im’s , another one been aol instant messenger (AIM), later AOL aquired icq as well and both im’s were partially merged (when aol sells icq they will unmerge again? interesting)
            will it die or not – we’ll see, its still useful in Russia (but not around the world)
            Just like friendster, services which are popular in one country or region are attractive to locals, and less attractive to those who are operating them as a global service.

  3. I see… I just found you and added you, hehe. Hope you don’t mind. I stopped using my family name and cut it short to F., hehe. I do have another Facebook account with my real name, it’s for the people in my country, old schoolmates. They don’t know I have another international account, where I mostly hang out, add bloggers and also link to my blog and Twitter. I had to do this, some people were 2 curious here… For me, FB is nice to connect with new people, have many friends from Malaysia, where I stayed, in Batu Pahat, hehe. My ex gf’s sisters and friends all added me 🙂 And I plan to go to Taiwan and hopefully I will make many new friends there, too. They will all be added to my main account, where I can be myself 🙂
    .-= MKL´s last blog ..So hot, she made his nose bleed! =-.

    • Added you 🙂 Ohh I have many friends from Batu Pahat. I met them in IRC. We use to have IRC network and most of our users are from Batu Pahat. Flexichat is our network which I am using it now 🙂

      It’s good you still stay in touch with your Ex’s friends and family 🙂

      Good luck with your visit in Taiwan 🙂 I have never been there… my mom been there i pay for her to go and yet I still yet to go hahahahaha Now need to save up 🙂

      I miss my visit to Gold Coast and Tokyo 🙁 I would love to go there again!

      • We went a bit off topic, hehe. Wow, good that you have friends from BP. So many Chinese there, hehe. It’s almost Chinese town 🙂 Many nice people.. ah.. miss my friends there… wow, you been to Tokyo? That’s next on my list, hehe.
        .-= MKL´s last blog ..So hot, she made his nose bleed! =-.

        • Tokyo in yoru list now? Envious! you must try the Ramen there! the best best best best best!!!!!

          I came back to Malaysia and start begging for it and can’t find it in any place that taste good like in Tokyo!

          ummmmmmm I miss Ramennnnnnnn!!! hahahhahaha

  4. I used to be in Friendster first, already in 2004. In 2007 I switched to Facebook and I just recently signed in Friendster, after more than a year… so boring there. I’m not a fan of FB, I don’t play games or do tests, but at least I can see some nice photos of my friends from all over the globe. I’m mostly on Twitter, though. And you are right, Friendster won’t grow, it’s mostly popular in South East Asia, while FB is all over the globe. I can tell you, here in Slovenia, even the adults start with FB, hehe.. more and more 🙂 Great article, hehe. Not worth to buy Friendster…
    .-= MKL´s last blog ..So hot, she made his nose bleed! =-.

    • You’re the first to comment 🙂 I salute you! 謝謝

      I seriously don’t like Facebook but I am impress that every one trusted Facebook. Its probably Thefacebook started in a University and it has the impression that Facebook is safe and that every one should use a real name to sign in.

      I use my real name for the first time signing up for a Facebook and till today i still thinks its okay (bummer) and I stay on because out of sudden my long lose friends from primary and secondary school are signing in to Facebook. I reconnect with them after some 15 years MIA. hahahah I guess the “using real name” work in Facebook to reconnect with all our friends.

      As for Friendster, ever since I use FB I too, did not sign in to friendster. I sign in recently because they have a face uplift and still the same. what startle me was the news MOL buying Friendster!

      .-= Netster´s last blog ..Google buys Friendster Vs Mol buys Friendster =-.