Robert tagged Speedcat, Speedcat tag me.
The Five Classes are
- Memory enhancing classes (SpeedCat, am with you… I need one too)
Reason: Help me in My job - Management/ Leadership Classes
Reason: Help me in My job - English Classes
Reason: Help me in My job - Music classes
Reason: good to have, it’s not a must
- Linux classes
Reason: good to have, it’s not a must for now. I own a VPS (Virtual Private Server) which manage by my friend Silvy and it runs on Slackware. Simple commands for the OS were just an Okay for me but to run it like a champ… I need more time to spend to master it. I ain’t got time right now… so Thanks Silvy for taking cares of everything
I tag: (5 classes that I would take to improve my life)
McKy | Claire8688 | KeeYit | slowcatchupkuan | Princess Eileen’s Chamber of Memories | Hor ny Ang Moh | Garden Of Eden | Blek (Shu Fong) | Tramp | JustA ride | Princess Diaries | I Come I See I Post | strawberry-journey (gossip girl)
I enjoy reading all the blogs I tag above tonight. If you happen to drop by, thanks for visiting.. oh yah, I leave comments to all the blogs above *smile* I hope my comments make your day.
24 responses to “Meme: 5 classes that I would take to improve my life”
i seriously need memory enhancing class too!
Okie will do it when I finish my work 😉
btw, you were tagged =)
Eric ma pal!
hehehehe it’s been a while eh 🙂 Ya I just have to put the magic words there ya know… Am afraid Speedcat has forgotten me hahahahahhaah *wink wink*
cool… let gets a class for it together eh 🙂 hug hug
thanks Netster….I really do need # 1
have a great day 🙂
You have a great list, #1 in particular 😉
#5 left me in the dust LOL!!! What is all of that tech. stuff? I wish I had the computer savy that you do. I can’t even type without looking at the keys (two finger tapper).
Thank you for completing the tag, you did a fine job. I also see you like my “Links #7” today – Ha haaaa!!!!
Take care my friend, Speedy
Welcome 🙂
I read liao… so so funny hahahahah I know you will do a good job for this one hahahaha
Hug hug I’ll be waiting kekekeke
Hahahaha you really need one?
I really in love with you portrait! I am bad with drawing! I’m not so sure why I am that bad hahahaha
Thanks for the comments every one. It really makes my day!
oh I will have to add your number 1 to my list too 😀
hey .. thanks for the tag.. haha.. give me time to do it k? 😛
Hallo! Hallo! Today I go back to school to attend class!!! So do cum to my school to attend class with me!! Tell me do u like the 5 class I attended?
Have a nice day!
thanks for the compliment! XD
I think we both share the same faith hahahah good nite need to sleep dy
to the bed bug bite 😉
Horny Ang Moh,
hahahaha bad bad student! I quarrel with teach before… bad bad me hahahaha anyway, I don’t really want to be like that. it just that the teacher is pushing too much… and i was in stress.
happy to see you CUM 😉
Memory enhancing class. Count me in! I’m so not good at memorizing people’s names. Lol.
wow you want to link me ah? hug hug sure can 🙂 muck!
so happy got people want to link me hahahah I’ll link you too 🙂
Cheers & hugs
oh and thanks for tagging! 🙂
WOW! I’m tagged!! okie dokie, will work on it soon. =)
btw, don’t mind me link you? cheers! nice to meet you here
Wah! 5 class arr??? I am very poor in class wan! Actually I always sleep in class wan! He! He! Will inform u once the tag is done! Have a nice day!
Click Click to view in full juicy, tasty lamb! (not my Fav, but me no choice that day)
oo.. thanks for the tag.. I will do it soon ya..
Hello -eve-
Nice to see you 🙂
Will wait for you hahahaha
Hug hug
Useful! Thanks for the tag… will go and think it up, but give me time…. 🙂
Yes Claire!
Will not miss it 🙂 but for the pass 2 weeks I have to la.. very busy.. I only get my little time today. I will be back busy as usual tomorrow.
You keeps few blogs, I confuse which one to follow 😉 I like the music in your site.
you tagged me?? hehe. do check out my blog more often.