Finally! I have a fibre speed of my own. I’ve been waiting for this for a very long time! When I visited Johor 2 or 3 years ago, I was so impressed with the Maxis Fibre service from one of the hotel which had a 100Mbps speed.

I’ve subscribed to the 10Mbps speed and I think it’s enough for now. The package was also the cheapest one.

The installation was fast. Telekom Malaysia’s contractor came first to fix up the point and followed by Maxis guy, he brings the wifi router with him and basically just configure the unit and call for activation of the internet line. They spend less than 3 hours for the job.

I didn’t pay for installation fees, I was initially told they might be charging from RM60 – RM100. However, Maxis told me that there won’t be any installation fees so I told the contractors — I will cancel the order should there be installation fees.

This installation also provided me a new landline number, I am happy to take it. It’s a free call to landline and mobile! Wow! What a great deal!

Since I am still subscribed to Streamyx, I would have to cancel the service with the old landline.

The last thing to note, for now I can’t access my CCTV with the current connection. I was advised to call Maxis to inform for a change of the private setting (privacy?) in order for me to remote my CCTV.

2018, the year I got my first fibre optic internet.