Malaysian 12th Election

This is my very first time, voting! Coming soon 8th March and as a first time voter, one word – confused

Chosen One
How ready are they? Do they really do it for the people or for money and fame? Most leaders are good talker but how many of them actually warm my heart and admire them whole heartedly? So far only ex PM giving me that needed confidence level. The rest is just a big question mark?

For me a good leaders is a leader that making us proud of our own achievement. From these achievements we drive our self to the eyes of the world and make us be seen and making us as an example of a successful run nation.

How many of these leaders will take up the challenge with or without the funding support? My point is – if you are a true leader you will do anything that is “priceless” even before making the promises during election period and you will be salute and respect by the people without thinking you are only after a good life for your self. – Of cause, nothing wrong to dream for better life, higher pay and fame… but I’m just not so sure of your capability.

The word “IF” is very often seen spoken by leaders during this election period. Example “If I was selected… If I won…” Guys! Grow up! You are making me confused! So than “IF” you are not selected or won the election does it mean other leader probably will not be doing a good job? I am still not seeing a real charismatic from a leader! I am just afraid of you… what to aspect of you…

Most leaders talking about development, I see the point here but why none talking about preservation of environment? Rules and regulations? In Kuching, in the name of development leaders seem to forget about the title we have won “Cleanest City in Malaysia” you will surprise to see how dirty our airport road these day! So leaders, where is your voice? What was your role you play? I am afraid to speak up and I think I need you… but I haven’t seen you!

If today – Ting Pek Khiing was put on contest. I think I will vote for him. Simply put – I heard his name more often than the leaders – which I’m not sure to vote for.

I am happy Malaysia decided to let our young children to continue their study into form 4 and 5 even they have almost fail their test in form 3 – isn’t this the hope of any parents? Poor family does not have a proper place for their children to study or where they can send their children to enhance their knowledge for free after school hour, some children feeling down hearted and losing their self esteem in school. So by giving these chances, these students will have place and time to grow and learn accepting the fact that they can change their life – I am one of the living examples.

What I’m not seeing any more growing implementation from this areas is the school system. Those naughty kids after being kick out of school lost their way in the complicated and stuck up life wasted their entire youth doing work that rich people won’t do but they were paid the lowest! Don’t you think they were being overlooked? I haven’t heard any of the leaders promises a life changes for these poor kids! Are you telling me you are not seeing more and more crime rate in the country? Why? I aspect a leader to sensitive to this issues and not leave the scene to the police forces alone…You leader can do something “priceless” and suggest implementation through proper education structure to help. I am looking for this leader – hard? But I still prefer it. Which I am confused who the leader that I dream of that fit the bill? Would you do it?

This one sounds good to talk about. There were a web community lunches a campaign against poor performance of our national telecommunication provider. As a paying customer, I for one get fed up and sometime feeling being cheated by the service provider. Very little we can do about accept calling the customer service and ask for rebate and some time you get rejected because they mark it on the T&C clauses as a customer responsibility. How I wish, some initiative leaders would looking at this issue and honestly ensure us that we the consumer are not being cheated.

Malaysia has repeatedly showing TV ads on “Wise consumer” but I am not seeing the youth voice being heard and was taken seriously by the leader to make sure consumer aka their peoples are protected! I am confused which leader are well verse with the current technologies? Because they (leader who felt the same as we are – the youth) will understand us and direct us to the right direction… maybe we won’t hates the service for a wrong reason. “We have Airport King (referring to Ting Pek Khiing) do we have IT King?”

Vote Wisely
The more I see the leaders mention “Vote Wisely” the more I confused. (ROTFL) You see, when both shouting who’s listening? Most people will think (example me) we must vote for the current government! Question, Will our children or my loan application be rejected should I vote for opposition and turns out the current government won the election? I’m worried when I think of the future! What in it for me? What if I’m a big fan of opposition party, will I get discriminated in the future? The government asked the new voter not to listen to lies and deception, I understand that… we were further reminded not to vote for opposition in the belief the opposition party would make sure the government is doing their job. I think I can buy that idea but why opposition must not won the election? Doesn’t it the opposition would use the same excuse if they are to won the election in the future? LOL

What if I vote for the opposition and opposition won! Later turns out they are just a bunch of Tin Kosong how will our future be like? We are always afraid of the dark, what’s in it for me? What will happen next? Opposition couldn’t be less promises the sky and high for the people, but how will you ever make it happen? Are you for real? I like to do a reality check but it seem hard to see or predict the future.

I saw the promotional banner and bunting fly off from the strings that hold it. I saw the empty plastic fill with rain water and contain is gone… I saw the leader’s faces and flags all over the town, day and night. Once in a while these materials add more pain in the eyes than my neck when I drove by. Is that our people’s money you are wasting? Correct me if I’m wrong that every party may spend up to 100K for promotional? Don’t know lah.. Maybe I’m wrong! If I’m not mistaken, leaders are not allowed to ask for donation! This is good! Time like this you just never know bride and corruption blind the mind of our leaders.

Seriously, If the leader that I’m gonna vote for will stand tall on the road side day and nigh as what I’m seeing now on the promotion materials – I guess I’m doing the right thing. I am confused right now, which leader would really up to the challenge, day and night?

Actually there are none not until I cast the vote and this vote maybe changes the history forever. Have a peaceful voting Malaysia!

For now I’m still confuse…

I love this song and I am sure you are familiar of it…

“What we’ve got here is failure to
Some men you just can’t reach…
So, you get what we had here last week,
which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N’ I don’t like it any more than you men.” *

Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they’ve always done before

Look at the hate we’re breeding
Look at the fear we’re feeding
Look at the lives we’re leading
The way we’ve always done before…
~ Guns N Roses – Civil War Lyrics

8 responses to “Malaysian 12th Election”

  1. Well some part of Malaysia won by the opposition and already started forming a new government. In a way, it was great 🙂

    For the state I am in, well, the opposition did try but fail. I’m not happy with the selection of leader that was available for my division. So I didn’t really bother about the ballot.

    I hope the new government in some part of Malaysia would live up to the people’s expectation and than they will win big for the next GE. Perhaps they could form the whole new government all together.

    I’m just being frank, I for one, like to see some real leadership whom would bring the country name to the world. I’m kinda sick of the same old way from same old leaders which doesn’t bring new meaning and excitement.

  2. So, its passed ) What are the results ? (Sorry missed the news headlines) Are you satisfied ?

  3. Ohh sorry… now i understand PREVED means Hello! 1 more days to go for Malaysian to cast their vote. they say the opposition will win big this time. I guess it would be 🙂

    anyway I found this photo which very famous back in 2006… This bear from this photo for some reason became so famous!!! and very fast Russian uses it on their ads and all.. kinda funny huh! this type of photo is definitely banned in Malaysia. The birth of PREVED MEDVED

  4. not a doggy, thats bear (russian – medved)
    No, i didnt, waste of time anyway ) I ve said there was no real alternatives )

  5. well.. you perhaps seen the results of elections in Russia
    quite no choices at all )

    here is a meme

    MEDVED coming to you