According to Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia we have 67% of broadband penetration in Malaysia as of September 2013. Is this figure surprising? Since broadband can be wired and wireless network, I would assume the huge penetration was from mobile broadband/ wireless internet. I will not be surprised if this number was from Smartphone makers like Apple and Samsung.

Malaysia came in second among 26 nations with resource and efficiency-driven economies in the Connectivity Scorecard 2013. — The Star Online

Malaysia has 29,457,0001 populations and does it mean 67% of the population are currently connected to the internet via broadband? Male or female active on the internet?

Source: The Star online

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2 responses to “Malaysia top 2 world broadband penetration”

  1. Wow! We are second? Really? But no point coming in second when the broadband speed is slow and expensive compared to other countries!