Lok Kawi Sumatran Rhino

Sumatran Rhino in Lok Kawi Wildlife Park Kota Kinabalu

Sumatran Rhino in Lok Kawi Wildlife Park (Kota Kinabalu)

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park in Kota Kinabalu is really an awesome park.

I got to see so many wildlife. It’s about 2 hours drive from KK and if you use texi/cab the price is around RM100 – 120. Entrance Fees at RM10 per person for a Malaysian. For foreigner extra charges applied but won’t be expensive.

Rhino is shaking his head and shaking his butt

Sumatran Rhino in Lok Kawi Wildlife Park Kota Kinabalu

12 responses to “Lok Kawi Sumatran Rhino”

  1. He almost looks like a statue..as if to say- don’t mess with me! I think I like your breakfast posts too..something everyone can relate to even if there are differences..makes it interesting! I hope the restaraunt is moving along. I read what you said somewhere that it is real hard work! I can imagine..and so admire you for this! I would like an update when you can. The deer on your header are neat and the slide below- beautiful!
    I’ve had to have some tests (finally) of the inside of my bod (body), ha ha..I’m so used to the outside and funny how we need a professional to tell us whats going on where we can’t see? I believe in doing everything we can on our own but sometimes it’s good to know where you stand if you can? Just been sort of down…but enough of that. Well, was good to hear from you! My best, Regina-

    • Regina, I put up some of the menu items because I remember someone wanted to see the updates.. Now I remember it’s you! hahahahaha Thank you so much for the encouragement… You make my day 🙂 Thank you

      Will update more as I go…

      I hope the doctor take care of you well Regina, if he’s not you’d better tell me. I’m gonna bust his/her ass!!!! 😀 Don’t be so down okay, you’ll be just fine 😀 let me know if you need helps.


      P/s I wrote a very long reply this morning but my Blackberry just being silly didn’t do it work by sending. :S

  2. Dancing Rhino cool…besides dancing it pretty ‘colorful’ yeah..haha laughing at nino’s comments on BBQ the rhino. Saw an email about one dead elephant in Africa was ‘divided’ among the people for food, it was gone within hours left behind bones of the elephant. Wonder how rhino & elephant would taste like and meat must be tough?

    • I haven’t thought how to BBQ it 😀 I scare I will attract animal right group come after me. Nyoki Nyoki!!!!

    • Ohhhhhhhhhh very much alive!!!! Only one at the wildlife center. I just can’t shoot enough of this guy! LOL