Lok Kawi Malayan Sun Bear

Malayan Sun Bear in Lok Kawi Wildlife Park (Kota Kinabalu)

Malayan Sun Bear in Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

If you’re in Lok Kawi Wildlife Park you don’t want to miss this guy! Planning to visit Lok Kawi? Here’s what you should know about Malayan Sun Bear.

Malayan Sun Bear in Lok Kawi Wildlife Park (Kota Kinabalu)

What do you know about Malayan Sun Bear?

  1. The Malayan Sun Bear is the smallest bear in the world.
  2. The word “heli” is Sun “arctos” is bear.
  3. The hair is short and entirely black except for a white spot or V-Shape mark on the upper chest.
  4. Sun bear are large powerfully built; head is large and flexible muzzle omnivorous mammals with a short tail and a good sense of smell but poor sight and hearing.
  5. Of all the bears this is the most agile climber and spends a great time in trees.
  6. Sun bears feeds on fruit and leave gathered directly from the branches apart from termites, bee nests and small mammals by using their front paws and long tongue.
  7. In the wild, Sun bears live solitary and is mainly active at night and spends the day basking in the sun sleeping.
  8. Female bear gave birth to their cubs on the ground in a secluded spot and remain with their parents for up to 2 years.

11 responses to “Lok Kawi Malayan Sun Bear”

    • You’re so funny Bro! These bear is imported hahahaha Malaysia where got bear la… 🙂

      Please send some bear over to Malaysia… no one will protest 🙂

    • It’s a nice place to visit Lily. You should really visit KK. You must visit all the island if you can.

      You will really love it 🙂