Lok Kawi Elephant

Elephant in Lok Kawi Wild Life Park

I love to see Elephant but at the same time afraid it run amok like the one in TV where the circus clown was crush to death! Very beautiful animal.

Elephant display beautiful tusk

Elephant (Lok Kawi Wildlife Park Kota Kinabalu)

9 responses to “Lok Kawi Elephant”

    • You got it right Bro! Popiah for better health so I get a good, strong and steady hand.

      We can wear the clown make up together, what say you? LOL

  1. What a great picture, Netster! Elephants are cool animals. It’s wise to respect their power too. 🙂

  2. Lol)) these are fine creatures- for sure..me too, I’ve seen them ticked off, trying to trample someone (like their trainer)!! (But these colors look sharp on your blog too) Thanks for the 4th wishes and hope you have a terrific week!

    • Scary! Pity these animal… Like dolphins, people exploit the animal for money.

      Bringing these animal closer to public is a good thing, I hope people in general would practices TLC (Tender loving care)