Kota Kinabalu trip

12th September – 14th September

I was on the same flight back to Kuching on Friday evening with my friend, very coincident! We were on the same plane too when we fly to Kota Kinabalu. My friend tried very hard to talk-me-in to his entertainment business. I guess he still misses me (LOL), I love entertainment but I don’t think I would be doing it anytime soon. My friend has a big dream and a huge target! He ask me to pray for him, I said “I’ve always respect the way how you run your business so I know you can do it!” he laugh a little big louder than normal.

Funny how the topics we chat on the plane shorten the journey home. It’s was fun, really, really fun. We talk about Kuching City, MacDonald’s staff/management Training, cameras (My T-100 and his touch screen BenQ), we talk about movies, I told him “Titanic 2” is coming soon (LOL, please click on the link to see it yourself if you believe it) and we shot the night scene plane landing and than we say good bye as we gone our separate ways.


I take this travel opportunity to visit few eating outlets which I have tried 2 months back but I was not able to snap photos.

UpperStar was a really great place to eat! Air-conditional room and you can have your happy hours and foods at the same time surfing YouTube, Friendster or Face Book.

Kedai Kopi Sin Seng Fatt is another nice coffee shop fills with nice chicken meal. Check out the juicy meat below.

Midnight in KK was just spooky to me. I was with David one night, last month. After drinking session we went out looking for foods. We walk around the silent town and we see illegal emigrants from Philippine in the dark alley.

will post more about KK, in the future. Till than, good nite!