Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) has partially in operation after their long, really long renovation! KKIA is worth 2 times the cost of KIA (Kuching International Airport) RM 1.4 Billions! Sarawakian and Sabahan we are so lucky to have such a good airport.

I need to hit the hay! Check out my room, like to join me? hahahaha only if you are a girl :p Good Night.

9 responses to “Kota Kinabalu International Airport”
Thank you so much for your visit 🙂 sleep is a must! I need to get some sleep now… it’s 4.15 in the morning.
LOL @ the last line 🙂 ha haaaaaaaa!!!
For me, time is a stange commodity. My work days have NO set times … so in effect, one day I can have multiple hours to blog away, others have none at all. I really love having a mobile phone with internet to check on things when traveling about.
Sleep? Never a regular basis. Today I have a cold, and went to bed right after work – 5:00 PM. I am now up for the day … it’s just after 2:00 AM when I arrived here @ Netsters blog!
See you later my friend. Be good to others, and to yourself.
it’s run faster now 🙂
hahahhah thanks for the wishes!
Ave, Sound very familiar, eh? 🙂
Cheers, please come to my house for visiting! Happy CNY!
Gong Xi Fa Chai )
And i have to visit your blog more often ) Restarted httpd =)
“No Time Find Time” <——— wah.. so familiar.. qeqeqee.. XOXO
Aiyak! Forgot…. Today is CNY eve dy! wow! Gong Xi Fa Chai! hug hug
_butt _butt,
hahahahah where got naughty kekekekeke
thanks for the wishes oh Muck!
aiseh man… didn’t know you’re back from Japan already! and sorry didn’t know about your birthday either!! here’s a very belated birthday wish for you hehe and a Happy Chinese New Yearrr!!! GONG XI FA CAI!! 😀
why only girls can join eh? naughty la you! 😛