Kota Kinabalu International Airport

Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) has partially in operation after their long, really long renovation! KKIA is worth 2 times the cost of KIA (Kuching International Airport) RM 1.4 Billions! Sarawakian and Sabahan we are so lucky to have such a good airport.

Kota Kinabalu International Airport @ Terminal 1

I need to hit the hay! Check out my room, like to join me? hahahaha only if you are a girl :p Good Night.

Radious International Hotel
The Bed

9 responses to “Kota Kinabalu International Airport”

  1. Speedy,

    Thank you so much for your visit 🙂 sleep is a must! I need to get some sleep now… it’s 4.15 in the morning.


  2. LOL @ the last line 🙂 ha haaaaaaaa!!!

    For me, time is a stange commodity. My work days have NO set times … so in effect, one day I can have multiple hours to blog away, others have none at all. I really love having a mobile phone with internet to check on things when traveling about.

    Sleep? Never a regular basis. Today I have a cold, and went to bed right after work – 5:00 PM. I am now up for the day … it’s just after 2:00 AM when I arrived here @ Netsters blog!

    See you later my friend. Be good to others, and to yourself.


  3. aiseh man… didn’t know you’re back from Japan already! and sorry didn’t know about your birthday either!! here’s a very belated birthday wish for you hehe and a Happy Chinese New Yearrr!!! GONG XI FA CAI!! 😀

    why only girls can join eh? naughty la you! 😛