Koi China

I love the vibrant color of Koi. These fish is like a design from head to tail with very beautiful skin. I took this photo during my trip to China this year.

I can use one of these photo for Christmas card, what do you think? It would be fun.

21 responses to “Koi China”

  1. @DrowseyMonkey

    Hey didn’t think of that! hahahaha That’s a good idea! That’s me in the suit I guess I should be using it as a Christmas card. Hehehehe Good to see you dear 😀


    I miss you! Thank you for the greeting mommy 😀 So happy to hear from you personally on Christmas 😀 Big hugs from me to you XOXO

    Wishing both you Merry Christmas and may this year Santa brings you more present! hahahaha

  2. smashing photo Netster!!!!
    it would make a super card!!!
    have a wonderful…joyous…christmas with your family…and thank you so much for your happy chirpy messages throughout 2010
    big hugs and kisses from Oz ♥♥♥

    • Yeah bummer all black. who wants black for a big day eh? Ho ho ho howdy ho 😀

      I haven’t seen any updates from your blog or did my RSS updates screw up?

      Any Christmas wishes? Ho ho ho 😀

      • Try this “http://feeds2.feedburner.com/ThroughEyesFromAfar” instead of the blogger RSS (I believe that’s screwed up). Or just follow me on twitter: “http://twitter.com/#!/TEFAfar”

        😀 Merry belated Christmas!

  3. Hello here!
    Feel so bad have not been here for quite some time 🙂

    Koi and Christmas greeting card? Hmm…put Santa hat on them fish! 🙂 … It should be nice cos it’s something different from the usual. Im sure u’d be able to come up with something with it. So yeah, why not?

    • Chegu, Yes long time no see 🙂 I’m glad you’re checking in 😀

      Koi with Santa hat? that’s very creative Chegu I Love it hahahaha

      Merry Christmas Chegu hehehehe

  4. @Miss N I’m happy you like it 🙂 Thank you for your compliment. I visited your blog it seem I am not allow to view hhahahahah anyway, Cheers 🙂 Thank you for your visit… you’re first visit!

    @Bananaz You can’t believe it if you see the real one. Ren San Ren Hai ah! In this case, Yi San Yi Hai! Okay I’m kidding hahahahaha. The visitors was feeding the fishes when I took this photo. The fishes jumping and some jump over the bridge, wait, I made that up. 😀

    Will use it for CNy than :p

    @cHrIstInA_YY The black one love me more! hahahhahaha

    Will use it for CNy than :p

  5. Nice~ but too bad there were more black than orange color ones… and I think it’s more suitable to used for CYN instead of Christmas card cover? hehe

  6. Looks like they are overcrowded packed like sardines haha. Love seeing fishes and to feed them as well. Think more suitable for CNY..tQ

    • Ho ho ho howdy ho Regina! I’m doing well Thank you. 🙂

      My week start with a very interesting situation that I have to solve ASAP. Interesting because my employees are looking up to me for their survival.

      Anyway, god is just testing us 🙂

      You have a great week too. Ho Ho HO

      • Now I’m testing my new lap top- keys are tricky (very small screen) but not as small as a blackberry!! I think I like your new Profile pic too..the sulfur fumes coming out of my chimney are getting stale (Ho Ho)

        • New Christmas present Regina???? Wow congrats! woohooo!

          You like my profile pic? you try to steal my heart for a special present this Christmas? you got it! hahahahahaha

          I still stuck with my Blackberry by the way… I’m a Santa, how can I be using something so small and no touch screen :p

    • This one is definitely the small one but I saw some of the fish in that water was about 1kg. I presume it would eventually grow during the summer time 🙂