When the first Galaxy S (I9000) was announced by Samsung, I thought that this phone would at least get a proper respect, the deserved update. No, Samsung stop updating it since Galaxy S2.

Galaxy S i9000 running Jelly Bean

This is my Samsung Galaxy S (photo above) which I have updated to Jelly Bean with Cyanogenmod. I have all my respect to Cyanogenmod team and their founder, Steve Kondik. They make Samsung Galaxy S Jelly Bean upgrade possible. Having your old phone new is like a magic.

Galaxy S was undoubtedly my last Samsung phone. The reason is very simple. Samsung is not one of those companies, that make me feel special, there’s no human touch and long lasting impression after purchasing their product. To me they are running touch and go or one night stand business. I can’t trust them for more updates.

Will I ever buy another Samsung phone? Yes and No; depend. I don’t think I have to elaborate, we change as we learned.

5 responses to “Jelly Bean on Samsung Galaxy S”

  1. vendor warranty on your smartphone already end? ) If there is nothing to loose its okey to upgrade to non-official firmware, as for me there is no cyanogenmod firmware for my LG phone ( and i dont see a point to change ), as for Galaxy Tab2, i think i better wait until warranty expires ๐Ÿ™‚