Jay Chou |彩虹

哪里有彩虹告诉我 能不能把我的愿望还给我
为什么天这么安静 所有的云都跑到我这里

有没有口罩一个给我 释怀说了太多就成真不了
也许时间是一种解药 也是我现在正服下的毒药

看不见你的笑 我怎么睡得着 你的身影这么近我却抱不到
没有地球太阳还是会绕 没有理由我也能自己走
你要离开 我知道很简单 你说依赖 是我们的阻碍
就算放开 那能不能别没收我的爱 当作我最后才明白

看不见你的笑 要我怎么睡得着 你的身影这么近我却抱不到 没有地球太阳开始环绕环绕 没有理由我也能自己走掉 是我说了太多就成真不了 也许时间是一种解药解药 也是我现在正服下的毒药

I watch Jay Chou’s movie 不能說的秘密 today. I must say, I respect him! I envy and I’m jealous of what he is capable of doing. Um, i think i should go back to entertainment. it’s okay if it hard… the sense of fulfillment should be what I must earn! so when? how? who? why? where? am I talking to myself because I’m freaking tired and stress? hello? anybody home? okay I guess not…

|彩虹 哪里有彩虹? 告诉我…


8 responses to “Jay Chou |彩虹”

  1. “看不见你的笑 我怎么睡得着 你的身影这么近我却抱不到
    没有地球太阳还是会绕 没有理由我也能自己走
    你要离开 我知道很简单 你说依赖 是我们的阻碍
    就算放开 那能不能别没收我的爱 当作我最后才明白”

    Like this lyrics, very meaningful to someone . . .

  2. Cathy, keeyit, -eve-,

    Don’t la pressure me hahahah

    I’m not artist la… How I wish! Hahahaha Anyway, I do have friends who involve in film industry 🙂 but I agreed with you girls… it’s not easy. Yes, better stay doing what we’re doing best now.

    But than again… it’s would be cool if get involve. Always have to start from some where to get notice. Than once you are at it things would look clearer as to pursuit further or not. If I am to try, I would put my life to it. LOL

    It’s a wishful thinking for now girls!

    Sorry for the late reply busy working…

    Keeyit, you know where I am now ah? Hahahah want me to Tapao you anything or not? Hahaha I’m in KK now! Exactly at Upper Star having my dinner “Malaysian Delight” umm nice! Hahahah

    Thanks for dropping by gals, appreciate it really. 🙂


  3. Hehehe…. yes, I thought the same thing as cathy and keeyit… but anyway, I don’t think entertainment is that satisfying, in the end ;- ) You’ll still have low days, or times when you’re alone… maybe gotta look for some peace that will stay, throughout, no matter what you do… :- )

  4. huwait.. what do u mean u shud go back to entertainment industry? do i have an online friend who’s a celebrity? 🙂