Japanese Ramen/Udon 拉面

If you think you had a great Ramen — only if you had it in Japan.

Remembering the time I chew that delicious Udon and sipping the juicy soup it’s hard not to swallow my saliva.

Tokyo is cold in January but the hot Ramen will keep you company while enjoying the cold and windy midnight in Tokyo. 7-Eleven in Tokyo may sell hot naked young lady magazine but definitely can not match the hotness of Tokyo’s Ramen.

Since now that I’m back in Kuching I am really craving for Ramen, this is how I try to seduce my craving by visiting the Kuching’s Ramen at The Spring!

Hot Pan Noodle
Hot Pan Noodle

Guys, I know what you are looking at, in fact that’s not Ramen!

I start to love Japanese foods during my trip to Tokyo its hard at first but I started to enjoy the oilless cooking, prawn, salmon all in raw. Raw make Japanese kinky?

Here’s the Ramen from The Spring food court. This is Teriyaki Chicken Ramen, Not so bad! The Chicken is okay but the soup… you can do better with instant noodle.

Ramen @ The Spring
Ramen @ The Spring

About the Kinky Japanese, the stories is interesting one! Every morning, the pervert would walk very fast down the Ikebukuro station like every one else – usual morning routine on the train. The bizarre routine start in the train itself, pervert Japanese male would stand real close to sexy short skirt Japanese girls and start touching their butt with their hand anyway they please.

If you think this immorale behavior only happen to female, molested in broad day light than you’re quite wrong. Guys do get molested like female do.

If you want to try something more exotic in Japanese other than visiting the porn shop, you can try the toy or young girl undergarment. Straight or pervert, Japanese male buy kinky toys for collection.

You have to admit it, it’s so cute! Fortunately, it’s also available in the local store here in Malaysia. Please to Mmeet Yuki, Kiki and Sasi… I just bought them yesterday.

Now about the Japanese young girl’s undergarment. You can purchase used undergarment in a bottle in Japan! This undergarment normally wore by teens for weeks and unwashed. To make things interesting the dirtied undergarment would be bottled and than sell in the market. I was interested to see one but not too fond with deliberately looking for one.

Okay it’s time to show you the actual Japanese Ramen. The world best Ramen is just killing! It’s so delicious! My friend June Lee who owns a hair salon in BDC knows what I’m talking about.

Kinky and weirdo stories should not imprint a bad image of Japan onto your mind. The real experience is Ramen, discipline and the very patient Japanese is what we should take home.

I remember seeing Japanese Que up outside the Ramen store despite it was cold outside. Typical Malaysian won’t wait out side the store with the temperature below 5. Not without making lot of noise, I’m sure of that.

Japanese can stand outside the store for hours but they won’t complain when they are in the public places. They will keep quiet and wait their turn. Do you have such patient waiting for your meal to be served?

Ramen Menu A
Ramen Menu A
Ramen Menu B
Ramen Menu B
Towel, Very Hygienic!
Hygienic Towel

Nothing is cheap in Tokyo, the foods are expensive but the service is really good. You get free drinking water with hygienic hot towel.

Look what I’ve found! It’s handy for female with long hair.

Hair Band
Hair Band?

The moment of truth, I miss this Ramen like crazy! I wish Kuching have one store that do exactly like the one in Tokyo!

Original Japanese Ramen
The Delicious Japanese Ramen
Original Japanese Ramen
Special Dish Come With Extra Few on Top

Now I do really want to say this, if you know where I can eat a good Ramen in Malaysia, Please let me know!

I hope you’ve enjoy reading this adventure about Japanese Ramen and Kinky today.

Last but not least, if you are looking for a naked Japanese model with Sushi served on their beautiful and sexy body, I’m please do tell you that you won’t find it without being invited to a private party like this one.


a ri ga too go zai ma shi ta!

32 responses to “Japanese Ramen/Udon 拉面”

  1. Bro, you’re smart. No wonder this is your famous post, you use the most googled words on the internet: Japan, kinky and undergarment, haha.. Great job, bro! 😛

    • Hahahaha Nino 😀

      actually 99% of the time people googled “Japanese Ramen” and found my page. nothing kinky than lead them here 🙂 they are lucky to found my page which I give a bit more details on how Japanese being very kinky hahahaha

      This is one serious awesome Ramen! you must try if you going to Japan. You’ll not regrets!

  2. Imagica


    Johnny ong

    Believe me, I find it culture shock! I love to experience all the unusual some almost too extreme. Example, Japanese unusual kinky sex life! 😉

    Here’s something bizarre for you…
    Japanese male who won some sort of bet over a female in a kinky bar would lie down under a table peeping through a deliberately made hole. I guess you would understand that these people are actually found it more excited by peeping a female organ through a hole under a table or stage. (Feeling disgusted yet? The next thing would be exciting…)

    The female would than shit and pees on the man down below!

    you take care and have a good day 😉

  3. Hiah! for your bf lo hahahaha stinky stinky…

    actually there is another food that nice to eat there! Mose Burger!

  4. speedcat,

    Very thoughtful of you! Happy Holiday! Say hi to your nephew! heheheheh

    Don’t geli la hahahahaa that’s their culture la kakakakka forgot to buy for you hahahahaha

    hug hug

  5. Hello to Netster … at the big holiday dinner now – and blogging on my nephews laptop! (laughing)
    See you later,

  6. Julie,

    Thank you 🙂 in Malaysia we celebrate almost all occasion! hahahhaa it was public holiday here 🙂 it’s a good Friday! every one going to the church and pray. I don’t 🙂

    They said, some people only going to church twice in their life time, I guess with this celebration it does proof the statement quite a myth eh? hahahaha

    hug hug, muck!

  7. Kim,

    You know I almost ask how was your shoulder :p I mistaken you as Kim @ Laketrees again hahahahah but don’t worry, I will point my mouse on your comment to check for the URL 😉 I’m smart already! LOL

    How are you? hope you are well!

    I’m tired after coming back from outstation, lack of sleep so I slept at 4pm and wake up at 11pm. now feeling recharged but still feeling Stress!

    You like the toys? I find it interesting because the clean workmanship.

    Thank you for your coming back 😉 muck!


    I come back dy lo… the trip is full of surprise and the knowledge gain was just so refreshing 😛 refreshing to my brain! Less stress 🙂 (it seem my nightmare has begin once again hiak!)

    Thanks for your visit hug!

  8. What an interesting post. I can’t imagine buying those dolls in the US… anywhere. Especially not at a 7-eleven. ha!

  9. Didi,

    hhehehehe come let’s go :p it’s a nice place for vacation. You can start planning now 🙂

    Cheers and thanks for your visit, will visit yours in a short while.

  10. That’s a “YummY” blog he he he … japanese food is my favourite as well, no matter sushi, ramen, udon yea 🙂 great try in Japan although i’ve yet to be visited there, however, i can imagine that it’s great and experienced coz u’re there the country of Ramen. How i wish i can visit to Japan someday and pay a visit to my friend in Fukuoka. :p

  11. JenJen,

    You are more than well come to add me 🙂 I added you on my blogroll last night, hugs

    yes, I would love to have a nice Ramen! Let me know if you found one 🙂

    I like it there because I experience my first snow! if you were asking me to stay there and work there… I think I have to pass. Not that easy in Japan, every thing is expensive. a very small room with no shower room already cost you RM1500 – 2000 rental, I don’t think I can survive ohhhh hahahah

    I like the foods, less fancy about the gals there… (for now) I can not imagine if I have to be “chicken and dock” talking to Japanese hahahaha don’t understand what they talking about.

    I forgotten to write about the gay shop in my post :S totally forgotten!

    You have a great day, JenJen. Don’t mind your boss too much 😛

  12. Netster,
    By the way, forgotten to tell you that I went to Japan too last year and I like it so much that when I got back, I actually went online to see if I can find jobs there! haha! But I got over that and now I am just into eating Japanese food *yummy* If I find any nice ramen in KL area, will drop you a message ^_^

    p.s. I added you to my blogroll, hope thats ok:)

  13. JenJen,

    Oh didn’t know you like Ramen also. I seldom go to Crown Square, didnt know got Ramen there oh.. hahahaha you know what I’m going to give it a try. hopefully nice. you want to come along hiak!

    hug hug thanks for your visit. will go visit yours 🙂

  14. Hi,
    The ramen at Ajitden at Crown Square used to be nice but I think they changed their cook when they change their outlook. Now, it is still ok lar but since there is nothing better in Kuching, I guess that place will have to do then. ^_^

  15. Speed Speed,

    I deactivated the OpenID, in case the problem you are having also happen to other readers 🙂 Didn’t know you didn’t switch on the cookies. cookies, some are bad and some are necessary, probably your antivirus or spyware protection has turn off the cookies 😉

    Thanks for the compliment, they are my friends 🙂

    Japan is a very unique place but you will have language barrier. people here only speak Japanese. I was lucky since i speak mandarin, some of the bartender do speak mandarin.

    heheheheh human plate 😛 you will love this noodle 🙂 with chicken for you? hahahahaha


  16. COOL!!!!!!!!
    I’m back in the game.

    You are looking very handsome and debonair with the two lovely ladys. Japan is a place unique to itself, no?

    …. and eating dinner from a human plate???? Ha haaaaaaaa!!! Oh my goodness, that would be strange. Wouldn’t all the chicken gravy spill off? … that would not be good 😉

    Glad to comment again! Yhaaaaaaa Hoooo!