Top Beast Weekly guys – iPad 3, iOS 6 and Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Windows 8 Consumer Preview was pretty excited — wait this is Microsoft — was super excited with a milestone of 1 million downloads after a day of Windows 8 Consumer Preview launch.

Only… It seem to be overshadowed by the News of iPad 3 unveil this coming March 7. There are new rumors of iOS 6 running on iPad 3! Yeah.

All I can say is iPad 3 tag team with iOS 6 Rawr the bats out of Windows 8 Consumer Preview.

Are you excited and cheers for iPad 3 or Windows 8? If nothing interest you — please check out the dancing cockroach’s leg (at the bottom) on my post today. Also please check my post on installing Windows 8 Consumer Preview on Parallels Desktop 6.

iPad 3 March 7th “We have something you really have to see. And touch.”

Apple sends out invitation to media on Feb. 28th, 2012. For everyone guesses it was iPad 3 unveil. Would it be an iPad 3 or Apple would go with a more versatile name like iPad HD?

  • Retina Screen
  • 2048×1536 Resolutions
  • Siri

iPad 3 to be reveil at Yerba Buena

Banners Begin Going Up at Yerba Buena for iPad 3 Media Event. Picture taken from

How iPad 3 look like?

Wanna check out the er… empty shell of iPad 3? Awesome video by


And one more thing… “We have something you really have to see” Apple teases us with Apple TV? Are the rumors real? We shall know next week. Oh — We loves the one more thing!

Magically iPad 3

Simon Pierro has the exclusive look into iPad 3 this week. Some one please call the priest for him — sob sob pass me the tissue please. Siri is getting married sob sob.


iOS 6

Wow I mean this is just so awesome! iOS 6 visited your site – think about it. Apple loves you and they decided to test their new product on your website and publicly reviewing their browser User Agent. Yeah.

Build Your Own iOS 6 with UA Switcher

You guys know the fact that User Agent can be switch virtually by any one, right?

If you’re using Firefox, download UA Switcher from Add-ons. That’s how you surf the web with FAKE iOS 6 — er — you can have iOS10 if you want — you can be anything!

Is this some kind of joke? According to CNET Apple has done it before and it seem pretty legit.

Backyard Brains “Dancing Cockroach’s Leg” to the tune of iPhone.

That’s it for this week Top Beast Weekly. I’ll leave you with this video and I think it should have gone viral.


8 responses to “iPad 3 Tag Team with iOS 6”

    • I have the feeling Apple will bring something awesome – they have never disappoint for the pass two year and I think they will not this year hehehehe 🙂

    • Building your own user agent is not a joke hahaha 🙂 you can really do it. The screenshot is real 🙂

    • that does not make you to use iOS 6, but to website owners whos sites you visit, you will appear in logs and in statistics as new iOS user, even if you use Firefox with UA switcher addon )

    • I like Windows 8 for their creativity – I don’t think I need to switch to Windows anymore. I have Windows 7 and the only program running on my windows 7 is my Company software which they have already have a version for iPad! How cool is that huh 🙂

      I don’t think I have reason to buy a Windows system for now so I will just supports Mac FTW 🙂 most of the thing running fine on my MacBook 🙂

      Good thing lot of company supporting iOS now and thats good enough reason for me to save cost not to invest on too many operating system.