Today is my 2nd day with the beta software. Should you install it? You should; no issue if you are using WhatsApp, Tweetbot, Lumen Trails, Outlook, Dropbox, Fantastical, Waze, YouTube, Overcast, Audible and iFlix. These are the apps I use daily – no issue for me.

I will not be able to go back to iOS 8.4.1! There’s already enough little things that make iOS 9 great! Makes my nine months old iPhone 6 look like a day one brand new phone.

I have been using iOS 9 beta 3 for about a week now. I have not encountered a serious bug that I need to stop using this software.

  • I do however, experience a phone call that came in without any menu presented to pick up the call.
  • My phone sometime confused if I’m holding my phone facing upward or downward orientation. Wrong screen orientation is a funny thing.
  • Blank keyboard occasionally — on third party apps.
  • I try to ask Siri to show me my photos which I took last week, it didn’t work. This feature might turn off on beta 3. I don’t know.

This is just some of the experience I want to share.