I’ve updated my iPhone, iPad, and MacBook Air yesterday. It’s a .1 update, and I appreciate that Apple was quick to release it. I think it’s a good thing.

Personally, I don’t really care for other features that don’t improve my life. Starting this year, I’ve decided to stop buying the latest and greatest. The time has come for me to be the old man who will use the devices until their last leg.

Meow Meow. This mommy cat sleeps next to my printer, and what could go wrong with all the fur sticking to my printer, eh?
I like these features. On my children’s devices, it doesn’t show photos of a naked baby. My boy is now 7 years old, and we wanted to show a photo of him when he was naked. He complains that he can’t see the photo. So, yeah, it works!”
I’m still not sure how this one works on my kids, and I haven’t heard them complain, so I guess I’ll have to wait to see their reaction after 1 or 2 weeks. As a parent, this is a welcome feature. You wouldn’t believe how many times a day I need to tell my kids not to hold too close to the screen.
More features and power for parents are a welcome addition. I use this benefit every day, and we really can’t live without it

I often communicate with my family using voice messages, and Apple’s previous implementation was difficult to use and not very good. This redesigned version is the best one ever!

Nice! The spacing to enter Passcode is really nice.