Installous Got a Boot In The Nuts Are You Guilty As charged?

Apple is apparently going after Installous – The famous jailbreak communities that provide apps download – free for download.

I’m not sure I should word it as “free download” – you can say it a pirate apps archive for those that jail broken their Apple products.

Should you download free apps?

Real World Vs Virtual World
You should if it was provided legally – if not it’s more of a stealing than free download. I believe if there’s a properly mitigation like in real world – you could easily be serving a jail term.

Shitty OS environment like Microsoft
I don’t play down on Microsoft – I bought original almighty Windows 7 and the shitty Vista that I wish I never bought. In fact I grew up with Microsoft and I am thankful for the world of Internet and my first ever encounter with PC through Windows 3.1 right through the awesome Windows XP.

So what’s the problem? Windows was in a serious hot soup of piracy – in every clone PC ever assembled it is installed with pirate OS, software and a special package – spyware.

The result? Unsuspecting users bought a thousand ringgit system and than complain that Microsoft made shitty products.

I understand iOS are in Sandbox environment but that doesn’t mean in long run it will not affect the overall experience and security of the system – due to other exploit that bad guy learn from hacking communities.

One may put it in good use but some it’s pure evil and money.

Beautiful Apps
How many times your friends just praise you profusely over the eyes catching and beautiful apps on your iPhone or iPad? – You know the answer better than I do. Will these free download degrade the quality of these apps in the future? Will small time apps developer survive the assaults?

The Good Guy
But don’t get me wrong – to me iOS hacking communities are the good guys. They allow Apple to know their system venerability in a way – now Apple knows how their system can be attacked.

Some of these hackers were even hire by Apple to work for them – of course the hacking community does felt the cohort in betrayal.

Free Lunch
At the end of the day – no one does thing for free. Hackers or developers need income to put foods on a table. Unless it’s a win win situation – nothing should be free. As for the trouble that Installous run into – they are force to move their servers to oversea and now needed more income more than ever as their donations contribution fall shorts.

Hackers or developers – they spend their whole life designing stuffs that work that you would incidentally love and recommend to your friends.

Credit: Installous logo by Scorpion_Blood

3 responses to “Installous Got a Boot In The Nuts Are You Guilty As charged?”

  1. but they still can have things under control, look at the firefox, everyone can post their addons)

  2. a few more things to add:

    many free software are actually
    – attempts to learn coding, they do easy things and competition will be very high if they will be paid software, later authors can code more complex software and actually sell it
    – adware ( a lot on android market ) to load random or context ads or promote particular products
    – some other kind of compensation (i.e. gathering statistic or so.. can be even some kind of spyware)
    – lightweight (demo) versions of something complex
    – forks of other free software, where licence may demand forks to remain with same license

    some coders even answer question “which platform should i try to learn coding for?” with “start with iOS, its easy, when you get taste and style – go with Android”

    • Good points!

      Androids – were hit by malware bit time as the report shown this few months. That’s what Google want – any tom dick and harry can post their apps online.