Guess it’s my lucky day!

I have always loved computer technology especially reading something about Virtualization. Brent’s article on Laptop Virtualization Best Practices – and a Contest was really interesting, and it gets even more exciting when I actually won his used external hard drive.


If you want the real stuff about Virtualization Brent Ozar is the man!

Brent Ozar is a Microsoft SQL Server expert for Quest Software, Editor-in-Chief at, and coauthor of the upcoming Professional SQL Server 2008 Internals and Troubleshooting from Wiley/Wrox. You can learn more about him or read his SQL Server DBA resume.

Thank you so much for the HDD, Brent!

12 responses to “I won a 120GB USB Drive from Brent Ozar”

  1. congrats on winning the contest 🙂

    I am not from kuching, I was there in July for holiday :).
    .-= TH´s last blog ..Scooter for kids =-.

    • TH, Thank you 🙂 I saw your give away prize I thought you were from Kuching.

      I hope you did had a great time here! The people here are friendly, I hope you were fascinated by the local people, multilingual language on the street and enjoy our local foods.

      Please come back soon 🙂 we should have met early than probably I can bring you to one or two famous places here in Kuching. Say Windcave or fairy cave? 🙂

      Thanks for visiting my blog and also added me as your friend!

      .-= Netster´s last blog ..I won a 120BG 2.5’ USB Drive =-.