How’s Dad Meet Mom – The Beginning

I learned something interesting today. I’m not sure about you guys but I have never seat down with my parent’s talks about their relationship. How they met, why they like each other and the hardship they gone through to be together.

I was with my aunt, she was the fifth in the family and she happen to be with my dad a lot when they were young.

“He (my dad) brought me to the place where your mom work and quietly from a far pointing at the window across the road and ask for my opinion” My aunt laughs remembering the funny time.

“What you think?” My father asks Aunt

“I don’t know! It’s your choice” Aunt replied to father.

My aunt told me my dad is a stubborn person and most of all he hates lazy women. She remembers seeing my dad breaking up with his ex girlfriend for the reason the girlfriend refused to make coffees.

“One day your dad ask the girl make coffee but the girl refused instead she shouted back your father to do it himself!” recall aunt

“Just like that, your dad breaking up with her!” aunt said.

Now I know where I got my stubbornness from LMAO

10 responses to “How’s Dad Meet Mom – The Beginning”

  1. @Wenny Hello 🙂 I don’t share much of my romantic story to any body too. I am guessing I will not share a lot forever unless I change that attitude hahahaha

    your son must be very handsome 🙂 keeps sharing stories to him so he have lot of story to share in the future hehehe

    @Chegu Hahahaha your brother is cute 🙂 Pls keeps the lvoe alive hahaha 🙂 cheers

  2. your aunt reminds me of my relationship with my younger brother. we are quite close compared to with my other two elder whenever my kid bro has a gf, he would tell me (or mom) and asked for our opinion. LOL!

  3. Normally, the dads are shy to share this kind of mushy mushy stuffs. Unlike the moms though. My late Mom did and I do the same with my son … not daughter huh … what to do got only one child.

  4. Hello guys! Thank you for taking time to read my post.

    @nino Bro 🙂 hehehehe No comment LOL I can be a jerk sometime. I am more like… I want what I want… If you reject me with silly excuses that’s where I get irritated 🙂

    @Bananaz So drinking cow milk will get the stubbornness disease huh~ wow~ LOL!

    “Jong” does sound like “making”? I’m a Ho Poh Hakka the pronunciation would be more accurate with “chung”. “chung Kopi” make coffee.

    @Daisy hahahhahaa :p

  5. HA HA! Are you stubborn, Netster? I didn’t know that. This was a fun post to read. Sweet story about your family. 😀

  6. Think you didnt get those stubbornezz downloaded from your dad but merely from the cow coz you grew up drinking cow’s milk muahaha….

  7. Your dad used the wrong word then should say jong kopi for me please. Aha ‘jong’ sounds abit like Hakka ‘to make’ kopi eh..haha.