If you find yourself sharing sensitive articles or news that you wish only your circle of friends can read on Facebook, you can manipulate the Facebook Privacy Setting.

  1. Go to your “Privacy Setting”.
  2. Who can see my stuffs? set to –> friends
  3. Limit Pass post –> Limit old post. (this will set all post to friends only can view)
  4. who can look me up –> friends
  5. Do you want other search engine to link to your timeline –> off
Facebook Privacy Setting
Facebook Privacy Setting

I hope this is useful.

thisBeast.com – Sharing tech tweets you can use daily

4 responses to “How-to: Facebook privacy setting”

  1. i think “friends of friends” is a better idea, you can still make new relationships with people who arent completely strangers 🙂

    • Not very useful when you start posting political article. People outside your circle will start posting unwanted comment and it’s hard to control.