How do you clear the stupid excel formula gibberish? If you are working on a CRM platform and downloaded the data to your local in the hope to use the data, you are likely having the same headache as I am; it just gets you to the nerves with all the crazy formulas gibberish that you can’t read.

Excel Formulas Gibberish 1

Seriously, I have the issues for years and I simply don’t have time to look for the solutions. I can’t find it on Google search too. Maybe I’m doing it wrong!


I have found the solutions while peeping through the Excel preferences today and I am happy to share it with you.

Go to Preferences

Excel Formulas Gibberish 2

Go to View

Excel Formulas Gibberish 3

Check the Formulas

Excel Formulas Gibberish 4

The Result – No more stupid Gibberish!

Excel Formulas Gibberish 5

Share with your friends of this tip on how to reduce the stress — I mean to clear the Excel gibberish.

Note: This how-to is for Office 2016 for Mac.