Happy New Year, welcoming 2008!

A quick hello

I want to take this opportunity to wish every one the best of 2008, can’t believe it today is already the first day and 2 hours 24 minutes has passed.

I hope you had achieved your aim for 2007 and you have already had 2008 plans on hands. It’s very important for your 2008 success.

As for me, 2007 was a great, fabulous & kickass year for me. I won tickets for 2 to Gold Coast Australia ( Thanks to Channel [V] ), I had headache, stresses, sadness, loves, happiness, good health (no major sickness), still have got a job, I had career advancement 3 month ago, and most important of all I have grow older and wiser! (but not married *LOL*) I have also spent quite a lot of money on my PC & my time spending on my blog and knowing the great people like you!

I have always love social networking on the internet and I find blogosphere is the most rewarding experience.

My 2008 going to be the most challenging year, I am sure that! I can already feel the pressure over my head now.

Wishing you the best of luck, prosperity & Happy New Year my friends!

19 responses to “Happy New Year, welcoming 2008!”

  1. Cherrie,
    Thank you! hahahaha why you these day very busy is it? “pak toh” ah? kekeke Cheers & hugs

    *Hugs* wei you also long time no see… 😛 Happy new Year!

    Thank you so much! It will be the fabulous one! (ehem, with confidence hahaha) sorry dear, very busy… haven’t got the time to answer your tag 🙁

    ohh *shy* *shy* thanks for the compliment! I’ll answer your meme once I’m less busy, okay?. I think I’ll be very busy till end of this month! gosh! I’m going to Tokyo too this coming 16th Jan, Yeah my dream come true! (Did you remember I mention it in my previous post many month ago? hahahah)

    Thank you for being the super super friend! *hugs*

    Long time didn’t see you! How’s the tramp? You take care dear! Yes, let’s find soul mate! Hahhaha happy new year! Happy always 🙂 *hugs*

    Thanks for all the wishes my friends!

    Tokyo! I’m coming woohoo!

  2. Netster! I see you are gaining popularity… good for you! It’s because your such a good guy 🙂

    I tagged you –HERE he heee!! Of course, only do it if you have time and “want too”. It is a seasonal and timely meme.

    Mostly I stopped be to say thanks, you have been a super friend in 2007. Here’s to 2008 YHAAAAAAA HOOOOOOOO!

  3. Keeyit,

    Very Lucky! hahahaha

    happy new Year to you! I like your post about your 2007… very lively!

    Happy New Year (I can hear people play fire crackers out side my window now. few hours ago my bro ask me if I want to buy fire cracker! LOL)


  4. I go one round visiting all the blogs, very tired but at the same time very pressure! Tomorrow onward no more happy happy… it’s the year of the RAT… You know how RAT work right? That’s me. I’m glad to have visited all the blogs.

    Thanks for surfing in, and thanks for the comment I’ll visit your blog again.

    hor ny,
    hahahaha you write more wet wet one ah… (put signboard says 18SG/SX) have a good health for more poking and don’t mind about the oil price hike la… can’t do anything at all hahahaha – You so rich, afraid wat oh
    When you want to marry your GF? The best date this year is 08.08.08 (recommended by Pink Berry Jingles (Imagica))

    Cheers pal!

  5. Lankapo,

    From blogging? hahahahahahah you know what? let’s do it 🙂

    On the serious note, I wish you & your wife happy new year and hope you will doing well for 2008 my friend 🙂

    You deserve a link back 😛 I’ll add you on my blogroll.
