According to our local gold manufacturer and retailer of fine jewelry, Habib Jewel, Burj Al Arab the 7 star hotel will provide each of their hotel guests with 24K gold plated iPad. It is believed that this is part of a Burj Al Arab initiative for their “virtual concierge” services.

The 650 million Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates was completed in 1999 with 202 rooms.


Source: Habib Jewels


4 responses to “Gold plated iPad”

  1. Many 1 (!) star hostels in Denmark and Singapore are giving iPads for free use, not gold plated ofc )

    That arabs give gold iPad permanently or it must be returned on depart? )

      • they they dont differ much with their 2k$/day prices to 15$/night 1-star’s with free iPad rentals