Maxis and Digi are gearing up for Nano SIM cards offering in anticipation for the release of iPhone 5. iPhone 5 rumors to be released in Malaysia in October.

iPhone 5 White & Silver

(iPhone 5 White & Silver,

Nano SIM Card

Once again, Apple iPhone 5 lead the industry with the new iteration in the mobile industry. The first time Apple did this was the introduction of iPhone 4 with a Micro SIM card on June 7, 2010.

The Nano SIM design is 30% smaller and 15% thinner than the existing Micro SIM. This practically hard to DIY but not impossible.

The easiest and safest way to do this is buying a new Nano SIM from Telco for RM20 (Digi).

Maxis Nano SIM Cards

MaxisMaxis the first Telco offering Nano SIM card on Monday, 24th Sept 2012. You can get your Nano SIM card at selected locations: KLCC, Pavilion, Gardens, TTDI, Sunway Pyramid and Danga Bay. The Nano SIM card will cost RM25 each.

Maxis Nano SIM nationwide offering starting 30th Sept, 2012

Digi Nano SIM Cards

DigiDigi will begin offering Nano SIM card at a selected location in the Klang Valley on Wednesday, 26th Sept 2012. A nano SIM card from Digi will cost only RM20, cheaper than Maxis by RM5.

Digi Nano SIM nationwide offering starting early October.

Celcom Nano SIM Cards

Celcom Nano SIM CardsThere’s no news as to when Celcom will offer the Nano SIM cards. Will updates once I have the updates.

Have you got your Nano SIM card from Maxis or Digi? Do share it with me by commenting or upload your photo of Nano SIM cards from your Telco.

Update: Oct 12 — Finally Celcom is offering Nano SIM. The Celcom Nano SIM will cost only RM5 and free for existing customers more than 12 months or a Celcom First customer.

Celcom is offering Nano SIM October 12, 2012


4 responses to “Getting your Nano SIM Card for iPhone 5 in Malaysia”

  1. so sim is finally cut to the size of chip ) now only can make contact pad smaller, which will result in incompatibility of newer sim with current ones, which have still same pad size

    • I think it safe to buy a SIM card holder. Nano SIM card holder is sure to be around for other SIM card tray.

      Customer who DIY current standard or Micro SIM card size to Nano proven to work on the web. Practically all the SIM are reservable to work with any phone.