Eight random facts about myself

Completing the Tag — 8 random facts about me

I was tagged again, this is 8 random facts tag by Claire, hey there Delilah Claire, here’s for you!

8 random facts about me

  1. I love guitar, self taught when I was in secondary school. I had a band back in the days, we are not that good but we sure act like a superstar. The first song that makes me pick up guitar, Smell Like Teen Spirit.
  2. I didn’t read any books since I left school, pathetic eh? I know I add myself to the worse books readership to Malaysian statistic. So you read? Good on you and do keep it up.
  3. The first bicycle I was riding has no brakes. As I recalled, my friend yelling at me the day I learn to ride.“Keep pedals! Keep pedals!”and suddenly someone yell “stop! Don’t paddle, Don’t paddle… No brakes!” I remember I said “Shit” Bam! I was in the ditch. Today, if I happen to drive by that area I just couldn’t stop smiling.
  4. In sports, anything that is “round” I suck at it! (E.g. Ping pong, snooker and soccer).
  5. I don’t read and writes English till I was 15.
  6. My best friend Dennis likes this gal, Adeline. So he wrote a song for her and asks me to compose it. I recorded the song, we wanted to gave her the cassette. We decided to follow her from school to bus station to her house like a stalker.
  7. Two bosses, on top of me, are female! (ROFL – you get the idea)
  8. This blog, runs on my private server. I am 100% committed to the virtual world.

Here’s for you Claire, Thanks for the tag.


I tag (Eight random facts about yourself)
Laketress| Shang | sembangNtalk |

  • Laketrees is a super talented artist! Visit her, truss me you will impress by her work. (I wish I can drew like her)
  • Shang I would only guess he is from China. I like his photos on flickr, fantastic! On his blog however you do get something interesting like tips tech tips, which I love about!
  • sembangNtalk is baking from Penang! Wow what a successful mom! I guess we should try something interesting from her products to cook our weekend meals than stick to Maggie, eh? Hahahaha she has a business online too(Cooking Island), this is really a high-tech mom!

I enjoy these 3 blogs, normally I won’t Tag blog that is professional (what’s the chance they will responce eh? hahaha) anyway, it’s okay…

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List EIGHT random facts about yourself.
3. Tag EIGHT people at the end of your post and list their names.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged.

19 responses to “Eight random facts about myself”

  1. yerr ? I didn’t inform you ah? ohh so bad… hahahaha next time I’ll remind you. I thought I uncle dy, you also auntie already ah?

    Fast Fast update oh, I want to read read 🙂

    cheers & Hugs & Merry Christmas!

  2. You can use RSS to update as well won’t cost you too much on your GPRS/3G instead of download the whole blog contents. (I mean graphics, scripts and etc…) it will load super fast on your mobile phone.

    Christmas is coming I can see why you short of cash hehehehe new phone is not really a need but well… good to have hahahah for Christmas present eh!

    Cheers & Merry Christmas HO Ho HO Ho…

  3. Thanks for the information. I am able to see your resonses by email notification, and check them from my phone when traveling for work. I can read blogs with to, but rarely comment because it takes F O R E V E R!! It’s nice to have though.

    I could use an updated phone too!! Short an cash right now… holidays and other things. My car broke down too – SHOOT! It just got fixed for a fist full of dollars. Ohh well, back to work 🙂

  4. what to do lor,
    she always maintain her looks and appearance and all that
    while i only care about eating hehe

    one suggestion for you bro
    enter one in a million or malaysia idol hehhe
    u will never know until u try

  5. Lankapo,

    hehehe the voice of “monyet” can sing ah hahahahah
    thank you thank you

    You contesting with your wife, see who’s the hottest? hahahah I pity you she beat you hand down LOL

    Keep trying! You can do it!


  6. McKy,

    You didn’t hear wrongly eh? the voice so like monkey also good ah? hahahahahaha thank you for the compliment.

    Hug hug


    Wow super mom will always be a super mom! Even so busy still can complete the tab. that’s left me no reason to not complete my task at hand. I think I have no problem wait for 10 years for your book. It should be ready when I’m ready to cook for my kids 🙂
    Thanks for completing the tag

    Cheers and you take care!

  7. WooOOoO, exotic singing and playing guitar at the same time hor~, pretty sounds alike as the singer yea! great play…

  8. Hello Eric!

    How are you?

    No book for you too? Btw, what photos on the mag that you are actually referring to? Hahahaha

    So you do like my ladies boss eh? They’re nice and sexy too! I don’t have time to play my guitar that much beside I’m not really good at it hahahahaha

    About the computer ability I have got friends that good at it and willing to share their knowledge. I love computer myself, most of my knowledge is theory and I need their help to set up too. However, it wasn’t that hard if you keep playing with it

    Just to point out that if you are interested to have a private server, you don’t really need the high-tech hardware and pay thousand on dedicated machine. “Virtualization technologies” make it possible by using one single machine with multiple OS running on it. This makes it cheap for the provider to run and in turn customers get it cheap as well.
    (Windows too has their own version to compliment Intel support for virtualization… it’s really cool because it’s free for the moment – now you can runs window 98, XP & Vista on the same machine at the same time if you need to. They support Linux too, if I’m not mistaken)

    I had seen how Apple applies these technologies on their OS to duo boot Windows, really kick ass!

  9. I have to admit… no books for me either! Oops. I do go over magazines and photo type books regarding certain interests, but a book with only type? Nope. Bad Speedcat
    I am still awestruck by your computer ability. Having a private server?? How did you learn all these things, and how do you afford the equipment? The female bosses must have taken a liking to you!

    Hope you are doing well Netster. Have you played the guitar today??

    Speedy Cat

  10. haha Netster….
    very funny memories….and your English is very good…..
    fancy …two female bosses on top of you ..ROFL….
    thanks for the tag…..and have a great day 😀