Egret In Flight

I have always fascinated by these Egret birds. In front of my house there’s will always be flocks of Egret hanging around. It use to be just one or two of them few years ago but recently I notice they are getting more and more.

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37 responses to “Egret In Flight”

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Those egret photos are beautiful! You did a fine job with your lens. Can I give you a little tip? With telephoto lenses especially, you get sharper pictures if you use a tripod. 🙂 I like the slide show you’ve used to present your photos as well. I’ll have to look into doing that.

    • Hello Lisa,

      Thanks for your visit too 🙂

      I wish I could use a tripod with my 70-200mm lens 🙁 Canon did not provide the Tripod Mount Ring and to buy it cost about USD150. 🙁 too expensive to invest. I’ll keep in mind of the tripod usage 🙂 I dont use tripod that often as well.

      You have lot of great photos on your blog, Simpleviewer definitely be a good choice for you 🙂 let me know when you implement it.

      Thank you so much for the tips and for your visit.


      • Thanks Netster! I’ll let you know if I use Simpleviewer. I may use another method. I’ll have to investigate. It’s definitely a good idea, though.

        Are you sure a tripod mount ring would cost that much? I can’t remember how much mine was but I doubt it was even close to that. Oh, well. It’s easier to shoot without a tripod, that’s for sure. 🙂

        • Hello Lisa,

          On a second thought you might want to really re-consider if Flash is a thing in response to web standard HTML5. Simpleviewer is base on Flash.

          Apple have ditched Flash on iPad and for some good reason lot of big websites are already implementing HTML5 standard. ( for list of websites in compliance to web standard) I think W3C would have lot more infos.

          Flash is cool but slow!

          Oh! the tripod is really expensive. check this site I normally do as reference for my buying guide. i thought they give the best price already…

          Thank you 🙂 hugs

          • I’ll have to check into the Flash issue. Thanks for the head-up!

            Gee, I bought my tripod mount years ago–they’ve really gone up a lot! With a 70-200 mm lens you can just mount the camera body on the tripod. Not the ideal solution but still better than hand-held. All you can do is give it a try and see if you like the results. 🙂

  2. oh my goodness! that cloud sure looked like a ghost!! haha… I love cloud shots too, and some ppl think I’m weird that I like to observe the cloud pattern in the sky…

    great shots, dude. 🙂

    the egrets are now famous on the net because of you hehehe…
    .-= _butt´s last blog ..How are you? =-.

    • _butt _butt,

      You add me in FB is it? hey, you’re not weird to observe cloud! I look at cloud every day 🙂 The Egrets finally famous because of me huh? hahaha very honored 🙂 Cheers babe!

    • Hello Beverly!!!!


      heheheheh Life… been very very busy… starting my own Vegetarian restaurant 🙂

      Btw, thanks for the compliment 🙂 I received your photos update on Flickr very often 🙂 the update goes right in my BlackBerry phone ahahhahaa

      Thanks for your greeting and concern 🙂 hugs hugs

    • Hello Priscilla!

      Long time no chat 🙂 hehehhe sorry being very busy these day.

      Squid? the giant octopus? wow! you’re creative 🙂


    • Hellooooo Shingo!

      I like to wish a Happy New year!

      you’re very funny 🙂 “pest and shit-dropper “??? LOL

      Thanks for dropping by… will visit your updates tonight… I was too busy and Im totally pooped! Btw, your comment makes my day 🙂


  3. Just wanted to say I think you did an excellent job capturing them..they look so elegant. Ya..that cloud image is really fantastic too..looks like a bird or something in flight like you said.
    Me on the other hand ..well, I wish I wasn’t so slow catching on. I’d like a powerful camera maybe? Cheers-
    .-= Kilauea Poetry´s last blog ..Momentary Glances =-.

    • Regina Big Hello to you! hugs hugs

      You have the most impressive photos and natures on your site!!! I love nature music too!!! ohhh I love the birds chirping!!! I was in the car when I visit your site, I keep looking out my car windows and look up the trees wondering why the birds are so happy today… I can’t find the bird! I realize than it was from your site hahahhahaha awesome!!!

      Yes!!!! I totally supporting you on your next new camera!!!! I would suggest you to try out a DSLR camera… Don’t worry if you never use DSLR before because DSLR has a build in point-and-shoot features where you can use right out of the box while at the same time learn how to control the rest of the function from semi auto to full manual mode.

      Thank you for taking your time to comment HUGS

    • Hi Nester..I just came by to say hello and check up on you in the blogsphere! Well then I noticed this..I really like your set up on the comments here! So neat. Hey, thank you for the encouragement!!
      Oh ya, my camera isn’t holding a me a bad time so appreciate this tip!
      Once my sounds were going for awhile..and I was commenting on someones blog. I wrote “oh, I have that song on my track too”..then I realized afterwards it was mine..(lol)..hey..they never replied back!!
      Anyway..hope your doing ok..and glad to hear from you on my last ridiculous post!
      Take care-big hug!!
      .-= Kilauea Poetry´s last blog ..There For Today =-.

      • Hello Regina!

        mucks mucks mucks!!! I have been very busy… starting my vegetarian restaurant. I hope I am excuse from blogging for a while? hahahahaha Is there any system for us whom are way busy to apply for blogging leave? heh! I think thats a splendid idea kekekek! I am shamelessly not doing any blog for a month already! Thank you so much for checking me out XOXO

        Yes I love the commenting layout too. thanks to the theme 🙂 if you are building your own blog try some of the great theme at by Sadish Bala. Great guy great design!

        thank you for your funny comment of the track hahahahaha and wish you the best of week 🙂 XOXO

        • Serious?!! I am so happy for you! No know that’s really fantastic! Too bad there is no blogging na. But, you have your page and maintain your contacts then no problem. I hope you do so you can periodically post updates on how everything goes. Must be stressful at times!? Anyway..I made sure to have your link up on my page as well incase you’ve posted something new.
          My very best to you friend!
          .-= Kilauea Poetry´s last blog ..There For Today =-.

    • Daisy, thank you for liking it hehehehe I’ll be very hard working to get more of it 🙂 XOXO

      So you saw the ghost too??? I thought I was the only one hugs hugs….

      Say “Hello” to your son for me and hugs hugs for you 🙂 thank you for your time on visiting and commenting.


    • Yes, I thought of that sometime. Thanks for reminding me hahahahah

      I know I’ll die first if the bird flu spread. My housing areas has lot of birds.

      Cheers XOXO Manju

    • Don’t hide from the bird Bro! It won’t hurt you 🙂 okay I lied, I don’t know if this one bite hehehehhe

      Normally they would to protect themselves from harm hahahahah

      Btw, some bird would release a very smelly gas too! Hahahahha

      You have a nice sleep 🙂 kekekkeke