The DUN Building Kuching Sarawak

Sarawak The land of Hornbills — The trees, water and landscape in this image seem to be alive. I love the car park (on the bottom left) and I love the clarity of the building structures.

Click to enlarge (1944 x 1296)

DUN Kuching

(Picture) Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sarawak @Jong Fui Fa. Those interested to use this photo, please write to me at fui.fa (att)


7 responses to “DUN Sarawak The Land of Hornbills”

    • Hello There! πŸ™‚

      I received an email few days ago requesting for my permission to use this photo in their client portfolio, some promotion or something.

      I guess it okay so long it promote Sarawak πŸ™‚

      It’s does make a nice postcard eh? I guess I should print it out as a postcard to my friend over the world!

      great idea.

      Cheers πŸ˜€

  1. @MKL @Shingo T

    Thanks for your comment Bro! was very busy doing my preparation for my wedding and haven’t got my time to blog and reply your messages πŸ™‚

    I provided the bigger files for you to download and check out the details πŸ™‚ didn’t mean for the wallpaper though hahahahah but thanks for the thought you guys!

    I don’t think I’ll be able to make something that will replace Lily and Shingo T wifey… YET! You will see one day! muahahahahahaha!

    @Lily Riani
    Selamat Hari Raya gal! This is another shot from 9th floor of Medan Pelita Building.

    Thank you πŸ˜€

  2. Like the photo too. Won’t replace my wallpaper too for now (just like Nino), as I’m having a photo of my colleague’s baby now. Haha.

  3. Great photo, bro! Would love to have it as my desktop, but it’s somewhat hard, since a big sized Lily photo dominates my desktop πŸ˜› I’m sure you understand.