Do You Truly Need a Smart Phone?

Elder People say NO to smartphone but iPhone changes that.

Am not sure the worlds at large share the same phenomenon. Here’s my observation – If elder people don’t think changing to smart phone is a priority why younger generation does not share the same opinion?

Why do you change to smart phone? Do you think it more likely was the reason of embarrassment and pressure?

Before iPhone

group age between 40 to 60 and probably beyond age 60 do not bother to change their old phone.

When IPhone 4 is on sales – I notice the appeal spreading to many level age group consumers. iPhone 4 definitely captured the heart of less influent of the coolness young people hype about.

The change? Elder people started to Q out side Apple reseller for the new iPhone. They share as much excitement as the younger generation.

Image taken from MSN photoblog

Are you above 40?

Are you above 40 and not thinking about changing to smart phone but if given chance an iPhone or Android phone would be nice?

“Uncle are you getting a new iPhone 4?” ”

“Yes! Do you think a 32GB version would be sufficient?”

during a conversation I had with a friend’s father in his 50s when iPhone 4 was launched in Kuching. You saw the paradigm shift.

Why do I change to Smart Phone?

I was happy with my Sony Ericsson W850i until I was in the awkward situation.

2 years ago I met a senior bank manager in a hotel lobby he got a good business proposition for me. He was looking sharp one hand holding blackberry and the other holding an iPhone 3GS.

So I grab my seat and spontaneously leaving my mobile phone on the table. I must have been through jungle years when I realize he keep noticing my phone was somewhat out dated and failed to follow the current trend.

I realize this is such an embarrassment to me. Later that month I saw a new Blackberry and I bought it without hesitation. One and half year later I change to iPhone 4 White.

As you can see my reason is simple – embarrassment, self esteem and I change. Do I enjoy my new phone? I admit I slowly developed the love for certain brand and thats probably has a lot to do with the same reason I given in this post apart from the real admiration, satisfaction — I really find certain products brand like Apple, really works for me.

What’s your story? Care to share?

Please leave your comment below, Thank you 🙂

10 responses to “Do You Truly Need a Smart Phone?”

  1. Not everyone needs a smart phone…I sure do. And, being way over 40, I can say I always have resistance to change. I liked my BlackBerry – it worked just fine – and I liked having a real keyboard, as it was. With my iPhone, I see so much more – literally and figuratively. To stay current with SoMe, you have to learn the new devices, adapt, and take advantage of their benefits. It’s much easier to find an excuse and not move ahead!

    • I like your comment Bruce. It’s always nice to learn something new from different perspective.

      The key take home “To Stay Current”


  2. There are 3 main reasons I bought the iPhone 3Gs. 1) I love to tweet and I think the iPhone is perfect for it! 2) I like to record my piano playing using my iPhone 3) I like to snap pictures discreetly and iPhone allows me to edit the pictures! Can’t survive without a smart phone – that’s for sure!

    • The smaller the handier in your case. I think if iPhone 5 would make it to the release this year I’m sure you will get one.
      Especially for your piano recording.

      iPhone 4S has got the best camera and truly amazing if you have better picture quality showing your talent eh 🙂

  3. Hi Netster. I don’t have an i-phone or a smart phone. I just have a phone, and that works fine for me. If someone wanted to GIVE me an iphone, I probably wouldn’t turn it down, but I see it as an unnecessary expense. I really have no need for one and manage just fine without it. Of course, I am 52 so I am in that older age group that you mention. When you get a little older you realize that you don’t always have to get that next new trendy thing. I’m not embarrassed by the phone I use. It works just fine for my needs. It’s just a waste of money to constantly buy things you don’t really need. Interesting post. 🙂

    • HI Daisy!

      I think I understand where your coming from. Thats the problem with us young people – we loves new shinny toy 🙂

      I loves gadget and new technology so one day when I grow old I will still be buying all this technology because I enjoy it 😀

      But I would hope one day I do not have to buy all these gadgets – I hope my blog would go so famous that I got the sponsors and get to keep it for writing about it.

      Might as well dream big hahaha

  4. i wasnt about changing plain phone to smartphone until

    1. prices became reasonable, a phone, even a smart one shouldnt cost like a notebook pc while providing much less features. Something around 400-700 RM is okey ) My first smartphone been with WinCE and was about 1000 RM and it was quite bad gadget for that price paid for it

    2. there are winners between buncha of different os’s for smartphones

    netster, you know that my choice is not an iPhone, but .. i like to have email, twitter, icq etc etc.. access everywhere, without taking a notebook pc)

    PS: that photo … such crowd and queues distress me, i dont understand why they stand for about several hours just to buy something new before others.. Its okey to wait a bit and then buy a better (2nd edition) device with fixed problems, or buy the same but for even a bit lower price, and no crowd! )

    • I agree with your view on price. It’s so hard to choose when your a price conscious consumer. example I would not buy an iPad if it wasn’t for my luck in winning one of the unit. like you – I thought having to pay for a price of a gadget that could get you a PC or laptop – thats not a good deal.

      Of late the price has been reasonable even own an iPhone seem to be well worth the money for me.

      I bet your android phone have serve you well 🙂 you don’t need a laptop to every where you go 🙂

      Does smart phone effect your games play time since you would bring your smart phone every where you go instead of laptop?