Dim Sum and Loh Mai Kai

Breakfast in Kuching with Dim Sum and Loh Mai Kai

Good morning everyone! I’m so happy today because Ms. Town was the first person who greeted me morning @ 6.30am. I was just waking up and was happy to see the greeting! Today’s a good day!

So today I try less oil, salt as per suggestion by Ms. Town. I want no premature death! Hahahhaha

I’m having my breakfast here today!

My coffee 🙂 this one look milky. I promised would serve my friend Nino without milk. He said he likes it so much he would marry any local girl here!

Yeah! This is the Dim sum, Siew Mai. Not so bad this one but please don’t compare to Hong Kong one la…

Last but not least, my Loh Mai Kai! This one taste good! Surprise! I actually enjoy it.

So does it look salty, oily? Hahahaha

Okay everyone! I hope you enjoy your breakfast as much as me this morning! XOXO

Piece of advise, less salt, less sugar, less oil, prevention of premature death!

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

9 responses to “Dim Sum and Loh Mai Kai”

  1. Tiger Airways dont fly to Hongkong direct from Singapore I am using Tiger Airways to Macau Look……………. See………………… maybe go to Gongbei for 1nite take a coach/bus to Shenzhen Look see…………. take a coach/tour to Hongkong Stay in Hongkong Look see………….. then fly back to Singapore by Jetstars

    If I go direct to Hongkong by Jetstar the airfare is not cheap but broke into 2pces I find it is slightly cheaper and advise I am a very economical person

    the last time I was in Macau was quite sometime back I took a ferry from Hongkong and upon arrival took a taxi went round Macau the taxi driver took me to some Chinese Medical shops I forgot what I bought and went to see the St Paul ruins and on the way back to Hongkong bought some almond biscuits at the pier

    In Hongkong I stayed at the Chungkin Hotel or mansions It is like the Chinese drama, the house with 72tenants the lifts are very busy…………..

    Happy touring

  2. I know why your blog is in my email I was searching for something economical in Macau and Hongkong and if not mistaken I read your blog and your breakfast blog came to my email I am leaving for Macau and Hongkong end of September 10 I intend to spend 2 or 3nites in Macau and maybe 4 or 5nites in Hongkong I already booked my to sector to Macau but coming back sector I still want n see because I am still planning my itinerary

    I remember many, many moons ago, I arrived in Kuching with my Chinese Legion of Mary (Catholic church) group If not mistaken, it was more than 300 church members all over Singapore There were other groups from all over East and West Malaysia, Taiwan, Hongkong etc. We were putting in a Government chalet whereby they also have tree houses etc.. Next to this chalet was a cultural centre where we went there for the cultural show. Further down there were a private chalet ……… as mentioned I am a budget person so I go for anything that is budget

    I remember there was a big Kuching statue along the main street of Kuching We were attending Mass in the St Joseph church

    When we were at the airport we bought pepper sauce, pepper sweets, pepper perfume and dont know what But there is pepper crabs in Singapore

    People that I met in my path of life

    • I feel bad now that I didn’t update my China trip! 🙂 I suppose to update my trip and some great photos to share but I am too tired. (like now, it’s 9.40pm.. seem to be time for sleep kinda tired to do anything any more)

      Wow you going Macau and Hong Kong! let me guess, you going with Tiger Airlines? Tiger seem to have great discount!

      If am not mistaken, the tree houses was in Permai (thats the only tree houses I know off) I personally haven’t tried it… seem cool! The culture Village is still awesome today! recently they hosted a Miss something something there! lot of beautiful young girl wearing traditional clothing.

      Didn’t know St. Joseph was such a huge and famous church! Thanks for visiting Kuching and also bought so many pepper! hahahahah


    • @Ms. Town: If you need info on Macau, especially food, check my blog, small linkbar, click “Macau”.

      @Netster: OMG, you know I like milk coffee, you tricked your readers…… bad bro! *spanks him, huhu… “-_- Hehe…

  3. Look okay to me Dont really take heavy breakfast and somethinglight like this will be just fine

    When I was in KK and in one of the coffee shop in the Borneo One shopping centre, I asked for Halia susu (ginger with ceylon tea) they dont have the 3+1 grandule form or pre-boiled type as found in JB and its neighbouring country, the waitress told me yes and I waited for nearly 20mins just for her to produce me a cup of Halia Susu. Freshly grinded ginger ontop of the susu I love it it is totally different taste from my own hometown – ginger water with milk minus the fresh ginger I visted her shop nearly 3times per day and for 4days

    • I been to One Borneo Shopping mall only once. My last trip I wanted to visit that mall again but we when to Mount Kinabalu and Hot Spring instead.

      Susu Halia?! ((fainted)) you have a very cool taste 🙂 hehehehehe but Hakka people love to drink something like that. I am Hakka but I don’t go for something bizarre like that (I call it bizarre hahahaha) I remember when I was young my dad use to order ginger soda pop in a bottle! I hated it hahahaha