Con artist?

It was 4th August 2009, 5.20pm and I was about to reach Mr. Chin’s house a 3rd/4th stage colon cancer survival hero 4 years ago! Today, He is well and healthy! This man is quite a story!

Just as I turning left and parking my car my phone rang! +8613678941853 display on the screen.

I have to mention that my interest and attention is to the see Mr. Chin and to hear his story to help some one dear to us. Therefore, I am not prepared to pick up a call that may some how too good to be true!

A very friendly yet serious in his own way, He call me by my surname. “Mr. Jong, I’m calling from Beijing and I like to see if you could help or interested in my business! Are you convenience to talk?”

I told him I’m driving and not convenience. He still very friendly and probably with business intention emotion and a smile, he said “I see, why don’t you give me a call back once you are free”

Very spontaneous and a childish acting, feeling displease and uncomfortable yet curious I told him “didn’t you call from Beijing and for me to call you back it would cost a bomb!”

Right there he shoots me deep and hard! Today, I can still feel the pain and I am writing this piece of shit to ease the pain!

He said, “Cost a bomb? I have a big business to runs and I think you are not a RELIABLE BUSINESS MAN TO HELP MY INSURANCE NEEDS!”

I was shocked and again with my childish acting trying to look for the excuses to cover my hole and that’s where I notice I talk to a noiseless phone and myself! HE BLOODY CUT ME OFF!

Most of you should know that I am an insurance agent by now!

Here’s a few serious questions

  1. Does this guy genuine? Did he being sincere?
  2. How did he know my name? My business? (I only met one Beijing lady friend last 2 weeks. The irony – she is from Beijing and I never gave her my contact but she does know my business but this cannot be too coincident!)
  3. Should I suspect that this is a genuine call and I have just lost a business proposal, probably cost millions?
  4. If he is genuine why did he command me to call back? I have been doing sales all my life, I have never asked my customer or my potential client or any big bosses to call me back with the interest I have on them! My expectation maybe wrong – you can’t always hope people will treat you back the same way you treat other! Did he means well by asking me to call back or he is using his psycho to trick me to call back into believing and agreeing on something I may not intend to commit when I did call back?

I do not like being a loser, losing a business proposal caught with my pants down on a wrong timing! I can honestly tell you, what he point out partly true and I just can’t help myself to ignore the remark.

For better or worse, I should have use a proper and professional manner in showing no interest to his unspecific intention or interest.

Morale of the story, always be prepared for your worse situation every second to secure the golden opportunity.

I learn a great deal of lesson!

(I would really appreciate if you could take sometime to leave your concern on the comments column below)

12 responses to “Con artist?”

  1. MOmmmmm xoxoxoxox!!!!

    Pics? wow okay I’ll be waiting heheheheheh 🙂

    I hope you had a great weekend too!

    So happy to see you xoxoxo!!!
    .-= Netster´s last blog ..Con artist? =-.

  2. I’d put it behind you cause maybe it wasn’t meant to be? Initially, I thought if you could find a bit of info on him..but don’t be too hard on yourself- looks like others share the same sentiment. Also, your first reaction..what if it came out of a gut feeling? Seems we always have to make personal adjustments along the way but it looks like your watching yourself too- positive. Later, this guy could really prove to be a pain! All your hard work won’t be in vain! Have a wonderful weekend over there Nester!
    .-= Kilauea Poetry´s last blog ..I Imagined Myself With The Sky Of Blue =-.

    • Hi Gina 🙂

      Thank you so much for your visit. You really made my day!

      You know, So long I have friends like Speedy, Kim, Daisy and you; giving me the opinions and advises I think I will never go wrong!

      Yes, I guess it just not meant to be 🙂 I think it’s probably for a reason and it for a good reason – for whatever reason 🙂 xoxo

      I really enjoy my weekend, thank you! got some sales over the weekend and a good friend of mine ask me to visit his church. 🙂

      You have a great weekend too, Gina!

      .-= Netster´s last blog ..Con artist? =-.

  3. ahhh Netster
    sometimes people can be so rude!!!
    I wouldn’t have phoned back!!
    I think it is exceedingly rude of your client to expect you to phone back…
    I get irritated when people call and then put me on hold…
    take some deep breaths and stay happy 🙂
    you deserve to Mr Jong 😉
    ps Charlie says thank you for your lovely Birthday Greeting 🙂
    .-= laketrees´s last blog ..Progress on the Mini Portraits =-.

    • MOmmmmmmm!!!!

      hahahhaha really happy to see you here! I read that you are super busy and still and yet you are here commenting! I love you!!! hug hug

      I will take the deep breaths and put the smile on my face 🙂 I’ll remember what you said “I deserved it!” Yes, I deserved it!

      Ohhh I love Charlie! I am sure she will have a great birthday party this weekend! please don’t forget to take photos and share it with us! woohooo!!!! muck muck!

      Thank you for your kind encouragements and supports muck muck muck!!!

      XXOO xoxo
      .-= Netster´s last blog ..Con artist? =-.

  4. Hi Netster! I think that the best thing to do in this case is just put this behind you and look ahead. Whether or not he really would have been a big account for you, you did what you thought was best at the time. It would have cost you to call him back, and it would have been a risk on your part to call him back because you didn’t know whether or not he really would have become a customer for you or not. Like Speedy said, you can’t please everyone all the time no matter what you do. All you can do is what you think is right at any particular time. When people are rude to me at the library, I try not to take it personally. Sometimes I think maybe they are just having a bad day, and I happen to be the one they take that frustration out on. If after thinking it over, you feel that he was right, you can always react differently the next time. Hope you are having a good weekend. 🙂
    .-= Daisy´s last blog ..Corn, Lace, a Castle In the Country, and More =-.

    • Hello Daisy!

      Thank you for taking your time to comment!

      Thank you for making me feeling better, I think you are right when you said “All you can do is what you think is right at any particular time”

      I am always suck at timing! I still fail to prioritize my work or routine. I am like supermen! will do everything If I can!

      I learn my lesson well! Thank you for sharing and I really appreciate you and Speedy for taking your time to fix me!

      God bless xoxo
      .-= Netster´s last blog ..Con artist? =-.

  5. Seems that what you can expect from life is that you can never expect anything! You know, I do the same good job every day without fail. You would think that reactions from customers and management would be the same, right? Wrong …
    I could do the same great servive Monday and Tuesday, yet then get praise form one customer, and grief from the Tuesday customer. I have learned the SOME people are never satified … with anything. This is interesting because I see my customers in their home settings dealing with others and family as well. Guess what … they are a pain in the &^%$#!! to everyone.

    Moral to this story?

    You can do your best in life, and that’s where it ends. Pleasing the masses is just quite impossible to do all the time. Over my many years it has behooved me to realize this, and accept what comes at any given time. Life lessons dictate that one must be prepared for success and failure.

    We do our best, and learn from each day 😉

    Best wishes from the other side of the planet!

    • Hi Speedycat!

      My sincere apology for the delay in replying your comment. (To Daisy as well)

      I guess our stories does share some similarity although we are 8 – 12 (maybe 24) hours apart!

      I totally agreed with you on your comments. In fact I work so hard but earn as less these day and so that’s where the frustration came from. But when things happen, with unprepared situation – I blame myself for not working hard enough and that I think I am being foolish!

      You know, I always believe in what I believe – I believe if I work hard, my wish will come true! Maybe it will happen in a different way but I’ll still achieve my goal no matter how or what route I take.

      That one single phone call! – Could be that alternative route to my goal! (You just never know, you know)

      It leaves me high and dry now. Feeling so bloody empty.

      So I hope it was just a con artist calls and there’s no Cinderella story or I’ll be regretting it for the rest of my life.

      I don’t care if I fail but I really care and mind for not even got the chance to fail!

      But I’ll take your advice “We do our best, and learn from each day”

      That’s the best advice I ever need!

      Thank you xoxo
      .-= Netster´s last blog ..Con artist? =-.