Century Eggs Kota Kinabalu

Breakfast in Kota Kinabalu with Century Eggs

I have given you salted eggs from my previous post. Now, it’s time for another type of egg! It’s call Century egg.

Century Eggs

This egg is special. it’s almost black in color and almost transparent. If you find the color tasteless, you maybe right.

I never like Century egg and I can’t find a reason for me to love it except maybe appreciation to it uniqueness. You probably won’t like it too but you must give it a try and judge for yourself.

porridge with Century egg
Porridge with Century Eggs

10 responses to “Century Eggs Kota Kinabalu”

  1. babysitting a BRA? like how? in the store? from wood to BRA? hahahaha I think I may get you wrong 😉

    good to know that you are fine 🙂 drink more water!


  2. slowcatchupkuan,

    coz ah… you everything also eat hahahaha… ohh yah.. I forgot you got foody blog!


    My friend how are you? corn dog? corn + hot dog? sounds cool! hahahaha

    sorry every one for replying late. busy busy busy!

  3. Julie,

    Thank you… you like it? 🙂


    you also like century egg? ummm…. LOL you amaze me LOL

  4. Ohh miss your mom’s cooking ah? Poor you 🙂 *hugs*

    Actually I didn’t hate it. I just don’t what’s so great about this eat. hahahaha


  5. Kewl~~ why would u hate the century eggs? it doesn’t cause anything to u~ kakaka.. I love it so much especially with the pairs of porridge, some ginger and vinegar ~ that’s so great of lunch or breakfast can be~ miss my mum cooking back at hometown hehe.. :p