Celcom iPhone 4 Insurance Coverage

I was looking for an answer to my question, what’s Celcom Insurance Coverage? How to get one? I tried to call Celcom and they direct me to their Celcom Phone Shield hotline at 1800-880-710.

After talking for 30minutes I still don’t know how to get one and to make the matters worse the beautiful voice ask me to call Celcom customer service! wow! I thank the lady.

I have almost forgotten about it until I received a SMS today from Celcom for my extended one year warranty. It turn out, the insurance coverage is only for Celcom iPhone 4 i248 package Plan.

The Insurance covers attended theft, accidental damage and liquid damage. A very good insurance coverage considering (in Malaysia) the fact that All Risk insurance is hard to find for small and mobile devices e.g Camera, smartphone or laptop.

If you’re a i248 iPhone 4 package from Celcom, you’re so lucky!

7 responses to “Celcom iPhone 4 Insurance Coverage”

  1. You got so hot goreng-ing 30 mins with the beautiful voice lady at Celcom Phone Shield hotline you’ve forgotten what you wanted..naughty naughty..hahaha.

  2. I love your blog design bro, very unique and creative. As for the warranty, I’m using Maxis and since I took their mid range package, they gave me 2 years warranty coverage. iPhone4 does give a lot of problems, button, screen, frequency etc, so make sure it is well covered.

    • Hello Thisthan:-

      Thanks bro 🙂 I like clean design that make my eyes feeling pretty hehehe

      It’s good to have extra warranty for iPhone… You just never know what might happen. I strong suggest to have a insurance plan too but unfortunately it doesn’t come cheap.

      Thanks for your visit Thristhan.

  3. phone insurance, how funny…
    somebody theft my cheap simple phone not so long time ago, i wonder who wanted it …

    • Hahaha ‘One man’s trash is another man’s treasure’ you may think your phone is old to others it something valuable 🙂

      Perhaps they just want to steal it for fun LOL

      • nobody steals just for fun, valuable? doubt it, i bought the replacement (same model) for 1900 rbl ( USD 65 ), so the price they sell used phone will be low, if they will find whom to sell it at all…
        maybe just badly needed alco or drugs, but stealing for fun… is not the point