Caught on camera Dragonfly feasting

I was playing with my Canon 70-200mm 4/F lens on Sunday. I saw this dragonfly was flying happily up in the air and then stop momentary and then fly off again until it’s decided to stick around.

Using a long lens without a tripod is such a challenge — it gets harder when the object is smaller. I manage to capture a usable image without too much shaking.

I happened to capture a dragonfly in the midst of feasting! You never know what you get until you get closer.

I was following TED show sometime ago, I was intrigued by Charles Anderson research on dragonflies migration from India to Africa back and forth every year. It was now known to be the longest insect migration. These dragonflies literally travelled 11000-mile round-trip over ocean yearly and no one know until Charles Anderson discover it by luck.

Here’s the video and now you know the longest migration of insects are the tiny dragonfly. There’s still so much that we do not know about mother nature let’s respect them so we would be blessed with luck and opportunity to discover them.

7 responses to “Caught on camera Dragonfly feasting”

    • Dragonfly is your new travel companion. Little, Tiny Globetrotter!

      I’m glad you find this informative 🙂 thanks to the dragonfly above I remember to blog about it. Other wise I would have forgotten to share hahahahaha


  1. Hello @Lulu @Daisy

    what a surprise! I didn’t get a comment that fast before hahahahaha

    I have not seen green, black, violet and indigo! You both never seen a red one? I learn more and more thing from you beautiful ladies! hugs

  2. That’s a great shot, Netster! I’ve never seen a red dragonfly before either That is fascinating about the migration too. Amazing creatures.

  3. Great article, bro. And pat on your shoulder, your dragonfly looks happy and seems it’s eating a popiah 😉 Or maybe it has found an iBananaz and plays with it.

    Cheers :)~