Can I get it back?

If you can sue the seller, you have the potential to get it back.

Through what channel?

kpdnkk. Tribunal Tuntutan pengguna (Tribunal For Consumer Claims Malaysia) can help victims by providing legal assistant.

How does it work?

Please visit your local kpdnkk. The officer in charge normally seated at the counter would be able to advise you what to do. The gist is this — you get the seller name and address, kpdnkk will provide the legal assistant with a letter of demand to the seller. The next step is waiting patiently (or nervously) for the letter to be delivered successfully.

What’s the down side?

If the letter of demand can’t be delivered to the seller (let’s call it — Scammer) There’s very little choice or zero chance you can get your money back.

Is there’s other way to retrieve my money?

NO. (…but nothing is impossible)

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