Boulevard Hypermarket Kuching

I spend my Christmas going back to Boulevard Kuching for the second time. I didn’t get the chance to window-shop the hypermarket the first time I go. I must admit it is a huge and happening place right now, people are flooding the shopping mall like there’s no tomorrow.

It’s been a week since it opening and the traffic is still a mess. Car parks are very dusty, servicing staffs are looking exhausted thus the no smiling and some merchandise looking untidy and out of stocks.

The hypermarket is huge about 200 hundred thousand square feet. With such a huge space, there are lot of room for almost everything you need from electrical goods to daily consumable products.

Anyway, I have not seen so much of Q up for fast food in Kuching (rarely happen except for soft toys in McD many years ago). I have fun with Roasted Chicken meal at Kenny Roger, truly!

29 responses to “Boulevard Hypermarket Kuching”

  1. like what the hell with being so pessimistic bout Boulevard??
    you mentioned they just opened bout a week,
    of course things are in mess

  2. All the best to your work, well don’t come back 🙂 nothing really great in Kuching. once in a while coming back here is great fun but once you stay on it for too long you get all your creativity and potential turns away 🙂

    I’m just kidding hehehehehe nice to see you dropping by my blog.

  3. Coincidence isn’t it, haven’t been back since the last time I left. Was curious so went to the net to check out if there’re any videos and surprisingly you did the video…so surprise and happy too. Doing CC in KL is not that good for me. I’m working as an a/c exe. now. Slowly getting used to the lifestyle here…missed all the fun at Kch. It’s really turning out to be a real city now….very proud of it! Keep in touch!!!!

  4. Zoe,

    Wow I’m so proud to bring you Boulevard! hahahaha So nice to have you visiting my blog 🙂 watch my video some more… how you come to notice my video?

    So how’s KL treating you? I hope you are doing well and good good with your boy boy?

    I am kinda busy these day and my PC fail on me on sunday after reading your comment, didn’t even have chance to reply. hahahaha

    please check back sometime and say hi 🙂

    p/s Grace is going Sg want to join PS some more… let’s go there want? hahahaha

  5. Still in KL and it really makes me proud to be “orang Kuching”. It’s time for Kuching to change into a Metropolitan city! Really comparable to the malls in KL. What surprises me the most is seeing my previous manager at the end of the YouTube video….thank you Mr Jong….if not I won’t even know how our new Boulevard Hypermarket Kuching looks like.

  6. Hello Amanda!

    First of all, thank you so much for visiting Sarawak! I hope you have a great time here! I do hope you did take your time visiting our famous beaches, Culture Village, and all the historic building/museum in the capital city itself.

    I’m so sorry that you have to experience the so “not good part” of Boulevard or Kuching! The Shopping mall is not ready for the public just yet but since it a public holiday, I guess they rush the whole thing just to woo public attention and they did! hahaha (For shopping, I do recommend you to visit Kuala Lumpur. I hope in the future, Sarawak especially Kuching would be ready for city of entertainment and shopping. I’m not really encourage it though, I still support the government to preserve all the greenery than causing more on global warming)

    You know what? Please enjoy our greenery more okay *smile*

    Thank you so much for visiting Sarawak, please do come back again!


  7. I’ve travelled all the way from Perth to see Sarawak, and its beautiful. I’ve taken a chance to drop by the Boulevard Hypermarket…and it was fantastic to see it from outside. Unfortunately inside of the Boulevard is really a mess with very dirty ambience, wyres everywhere, boxes on the the floor, dusty parking space and i dare not to buy cakes or buns from the bakery.. Its so sad to see the staff were look like those fresh from the packets without proper training to entertain customers, unsuitable song being played, (it was a rock music,hahaha!!) no christmas song, the announcement only be made in local language, and i feel sorry for myself for not knowing the announcement.. The building is huge, but i think the management has planned it wrongly. The building looks like it is not ready yet for operations…

  8. Agree with most of your points here. Well now the traffic is slightly better. But I still try to avoid using that route home during peak hours…no choice but to you Batu Kawa and use Jalan Dogan to go home.

  9. Hen,

    It’s not coke ohhh it’s ice lemon tea 🙂 RM5.90 hehehe

    Luckily we have Boulevard and next year The Spring! (The signboard up dy! I saw it just now) you like the electrical department meh? Iyo hahahahaha But Boulevard is setting up an IT department in The Spring! Wow, I mean these Boulevard bosses really know how to make money! They know The Spring some how might make their name sink a little bit than they go open big IT department in The Spring itself!

    Some more they open Boulevard way ahead of schedule. Well, the earliest bird will always get the worm! So boulevard has to establish the name before The Spring did. Other wise Kuching people will just jam/pack The Spring because it nearer to the town.

    You know the shopping complex is near the mosque right? I heard people are complaining that the shopping complex shouldn’t be near the mosque! The developer has bought that piece of land for the pass 10 – 20 years only now they see the right time to develop. (Last time I use to cycle and play around that land, so misses that place and my childhood time)

    Sob Sob *LOL* anyway, thanks for your visit. I really like your blog I’m trying to get hold of the “recent post” plugins. Your version is just want I need.

    Oh you like my video! Thank you I hope you like the “blooper” part hahahah it’s not easy to do acting actually hahahaha I use to critic actors/actress that done a bad acting on a movie. Now I know, I’m not even 1% of what they capable of. Hahahahaha

    I’ll do your tag soon. I will inform you once I’ve done.

    Thanks for your visit *Hug Hug*

    Happy new year all!

  10. What a fun video! Thanks for sharing!

    Oh, you have been tagged, too! Come on over to my blog to check it out.

    Happy New Year!

  11. so you took the RM4.00 coke huh? Hehe.
    Well, at least there is a hypermarket in kuching, otherwise, Kuching still consider as ulu place, 🙂
    I find it is ok with the “electrical department”, it look like IKEA, although there are no super brand there,
    and they really got lots of choice of foods and fruits, it is a one stop solution when you are busy and plan to have a party at night, this is the place you can buy everything

  12. Mr.Sound,

    That’s really sad. Well I hope you are well. May god blesses your grandma.

    Thank you for your wishes and happy new year to you too!


  13. First I would like to thank you for stopping by our site and commenting. Second me and mrs.sound would like to greet you Happy New Year!

    This years Christmas is the saddest of all. Because my very close to me Grandmother died. And her burial was the day before Christmas. We didn’t woke up on the click of 12 which we usually do in the past few years.

    Well thats life! Take care!

  14. Speedy,

    Yes I am! LOL I hope you like it. too bad I didn’t take the picture of it!


    10/10 wow so kind, Thank you! *muck muck* Do you like my silly blooper? hhehee


    Good ah? I thought funny oh… hahahaha thanks

  15. I am sooooo sad that I cannot watch this video now. I will stop back when I’m able to load it up. Are you really at KR Chicken?!? Ha haaaaaaaaaaa!! 🙂

    See you soon – I’ll be online for the next hour.