Boulevard City Mega Store

Halloween ghost in Boulevard City Mega Store — Boulevard Shopping Mall Kuching

Happy Halloween peep! I got to tell ya – I have a ghostly night. It’s been heavy rains, scary thunder storm and all hell breaks loose when our electric got cut off.

So I spend Halloween with candle light dinner, my Blackberry and my MacBook doing nothing but slept early.

Boulevard Shopping Mall Updates

While the second phase is under construction the current 3rd floor and rooftops are ready for business.

A little bit of Jusco feels and the air conditioner on top floor was really refreshing and cool. (I mention it because that was really the case! hahahaha wow rooftop! And it’s cool! Not an easy task but yeah, they cool the whole place!)

Boulevard City Mega Store

The 3rd floor they call it Boulevard City Mega Store while the rooftop they call it Sky city. I hope I didn’t get the name wrong after all it already confusing enough.

I enjoy my Halloween…

14 responses to “Boulevard City Mega Store”

    • Speedy Okay… I’m getting you some Twix… on a double!!!
      FEDEX guarantee reach in no time! hehehehe

      Good night Speedy it 11.47pm here got to get some sleep…

  1. Kim,

    Thanks for noticing my shorts hahahahahah I got it during my visit to Gold Coast Australia in 2007! I bought 2 and I really really love them! (See I taking care of it, it still look brand new hahahah…) I requested cHrIstInA_YY to buy for me before she come back for Chinese New Year hahahaha but anyway, if you seen one of this short and kind enough to buy for me (ehem…) I would be so happy hahahahha

    Send my regard to Charlotte, wishing her get well soon! Hug hug

    .-= Netster´s last blog ..Halloween ghost on Boulevard City Mega Store =-.

  2. MKL, Happy Halloween! Thanks man! heheheheh She is 🙂 thanks for being the first to comment, that was fast!

    Christina ah dear, Happy Halloween! Why I didn’t go out ah??? good question. I ahve no idea why, I didn’t thought of going out hahahaha

    Daisy, Happy Halloween! heheheheh hug hug glad that you likes the pictures 🙂

    Kitty Cat, Happy Halloween! you have been very naughty haven’t you! you stole my noodle! Anyway, I hope your Verizon have enough batteries for the tweet war heheheheh

    Hi Daisy 😉
    .-= Netster´s last blog ..Halloween ghost on Boulevard City Mega Store =-.

  3. Hehe, Happy Halloween to u!!! LoL, although u wasn’t really happy that night =x

    Why did u stay at home when there was no power supply? should have gone out to have fun with friends instead….
    .-= cHrIstInA_YY´s last blog ..Mini Halloween Party =-.