IF the only worry we have in getting an iPhone that will bend, I say, the issue is not the #bendgate it is the not-enough-cash-to-burn was the main issue. Can I assume the majority of us haven’t even seen one since it released in the US and have decided the fact that iPhone 6 and 6+ will bend as true?

Apple will not sit in the office one day and start thinking how to ripped you off by making a product that will break if you sit on it or armed with information from the future that the first 10 million customers would buy the phone and started to use both hands to bend it like the guy from Unboxing Therapy.

I am sure if we use a hard object and throw it at our car without force (let the gravity do the job), we will have a very good dent to it without a doubt.

Should we worry? Do you sit on a new iPhone if you have one? do you have an itchy hand that will bend stuffs? Don’t buy.

Sit back and enjoy Apple competitor making fool of themselves with the hashtag #bendgate.