Asus EN8800GT & Company of Heroes Opposing Front

My precious! Damn, this card is expensive! My GeForce 8500GT stop working last month and I have no choice I need a card to power my HTPC while waiting for the warranty claim. Without much thought I bought a new card right there and than. I wonder if this is a marketing gimmick – You return a card and at the same time you have to purchase a new one!

Asus EN8800GT & Company of Heroes Opposing Front Asus EN8800GT & Company of Heroes Opposing Front Asus EN8800GT & Company of Heroes Opposing Front

I use to think that having high end card on a HTPC is wasting money and resources, I like to take it back! :p it’s so big different! Having high end Nvidia 8 series on HTPC is totally kick ass! Too bad I’m no gamer at all but I will wait for the new GTA to appreciate the adrenaline rush. (I love fast car on screen! LOL)

As soon as I fire up the card, one noticeable improvement was the card is lighting fast! I can change my TV channel on Windows Media Center much quicker. Time shifting & recording is totally smooth sailing, lesser noise, the color is sharper and eyes pleasing. Ah! My HTPC is one expensive toy with quality vitamin.

My HTPC set up

I set up my HTPC with duo screen display. One at a display resolution of 1680 x 1050 and another at 1280 x 1024 on a single card by connecting my wide screen ViewSonic 20.1 incher and Samsung SynMaster 192T 19 incher via 2 DVI on the card. So far there’s no conflict, ASUS EN8800GT handle both display resolutions simultaneously with solid performance. (The screen maybe off should game changes resolution during start up – happen only on old PC games)

Asus EN8800GT Box

ASUS didn’t bundle that much of stuffs for all their cards release, keeping price low and stay in competition maybe two of the reason or they just trying to cut cost. For this card however, in my opinion, consumer maybe consider lucky to have extra goody – ASUS CD holder! LOL (see box above)

Here are the down points

  1. Not much of info provided on the hand book or on the box about this card. I have many Nvidia cards and I think Leadtek did better job in providing installation instruction and card specifications.
  2. Very expensive but this is to be expected on all high end card! Even mid range is still a bit too pricey!
  3. NO HDMI port. You still can use the converter for future proof but I guess, again it just another silly marketing gimmick to push more money out of consumer for their 9 Series cards.
  4. When Windows Media Center on full screen, one other screen become useless. NVIDIA or MS should fix this part through their software. This error or limitation is consumer greatest loss of productivity. (you can fix this problem by not turning on full screen, silly I know, that’s how it goes)
  5. ASUS own software is bad for eyes sight, Bad UI but usable. I do not recommend this software on Vista – crash and error to be expected. (Since most of you guys OC your rig on XP system, you should have less trouble. I hate it, the software just look ugly on Vista!)
  6. NVIDIA is focusing more on 9 series card. You may now be in dilemma and caught in the waiting games for lower price on high end card which probably will not happen! It was never happen on 7 series card and it will not happen on 8 series and definitely will not on 9 series.

What I like most about the card

  1. Big! The card is so big! Same reason you drive a big car. The bigger the better, psychologically! (LOL)
  2. High end card! Support PCI-Express 2.0! HDTV-out, DVI x 2, HDCP compliant and most of all…
  3. 512MB DDR3
  4. PCIe 2.0
  5. The card is powerful!
  6. GeForce 8800 Ultra GeForce 8800 GTX GeForce 8800 GTS GeForce 8800 GTS 512MB1 GeForce 8800 GT GeForce 8800 GS
    Stream Processors 128 128 96 128 112 96
    Core Clock (MHz) 612 575 500 650 600 550
    Shader Clock (MHz) 1500 1350 1200 1625 1500 1375
    Memory Clock (MHz) 1080 900 800 970 900 800
    Memory Amount 768MB 768MB 640MB or 320MB 512MB 512MB 384MB
    Memory Interface 384-bit 384-bit 320-bit 256-bit 256-bit 192-bit
    Memory Bandwidth (GB/sec) 103.7 86.4 64 64 57.6 38.4
    Texture Fill Rate (billion/sec) 39.2 36.8 24 41.6 33.6 26.4

Here’s a snippet of Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Chaos Theory game. I have DX10 game, Company of Heroes but my video recording of the games was not to my liking so I am not going to show you. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory however, caught my eyes after I have updated the game’s patch. Trust me, I have this game for a very long time, I never play em’

I am NVIDIA slave! I have bought many of them, from 4th series – 8th series. Strangely and luckily I’ve skipped 7 Series or else I will have almost all of GeForce and be made amusement! (Actually I’m already there! LOL)

ASUS V9180 SE GeForce 4 Box ASUS V9180 SE GeForce 4 Card

2004, This is ASUS V9180 SE GeForce 4 MX 440 card (below), my very first GeForce 4 card. This card marks the first time I assemble my own hybrid PC. (I don’t really understand why people call it a clone PC – so if a PC wasn’t Dell or Toshiba or branded PC is a “Clone”?) In fact this is my very first HTPC. HTPC is my only source of entertainment watching 8TV when I was working in Kuala Lumpur and stay in a rented room.

Galaxy Zeus 5200 Box Galaxy Zeus 5200 Card

2005, Galaxy Zeus 5200 although I have been using my HTPC for some “long” time, I did not bother to buy mid range card. I still stick with entry level card which really seem to enough for my DVD experience.

WinFast A6600 GT TDH Box WinFast A6600 GT TDH Card
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Prince Persia Warrior Within

2006, WinFast A6600 GT TDH 20th anniversary Limited Edition is my very first mid range card! This card packed with 2 games Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Chaos Theory & Prince of Persia Warrior Within. This card is not cheap! It cost me bloody RM540! Just because it say special edition and I bought the card *grin*

Gigabyte GeForce 8500GT

2007, Last but not least my mid range 8 series from Gigabyte. I have to get this card due to my new motherboard work only with PCI express. Since all of my display cards are AGP version, it also spelled the end of it shelf life! This card is obsolete, killed by full swing production of socket 775 platform.

Any one seen my “Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War – Dark Crusade?” I think I’ve misplace it! Bummer!

Every living thing has it time and so do all none living thing! But misplace it before losing it is pathetic! *sign*

2008, please refer to my topic 🙂 I know I’m getting better and better with display card over time. I think I’ve learn so much over the years. If you have cross experience between ATI and GeForce, please do let me know your opinion about both cards strength/weaknesses and why you love them. If you lazy to type, oh well…

oOo ^_^ oOo Thanks for reading!

6 responses to “Asus EN8800GT & Company of Heroes Opposing Front”

  1. hahahahaha Speedy you can design one for yourself 😉

    thank you, I am fine this morning but now… I have this stress that I just… I don’t know… feels like to give it up 🙂

    Cheers Eric!

  2. Keeyit,

    thanks for your visit! I haven;t been able to visit every one lately. My job is killing me. maybe i should change job 😉

    btw, for game one screen enough liao. My PC set up is for home theater environment so having 2 screens would able me to be on 2 things at the same time. 1) TV/DVD 2) surfing/blogging/email & etc..

    it’s a good thing that modern technology invented multi core (e.g. C2D) processors these day 🙂 i love the Intel tag line, Leap Forward! cool stuff!

    thank you so much for checking me out.


    I’m so humble! thank you for admiring my PC!

    friend, win98 is like 2 generation behind current operating system! LOL! never the less, yes, window98 sure runs on this system but it would be so wasted because this baby can do so much more than being tied back by out dated system.

    thanks for your visit too speedy!


    Happy mother’s day 😉 thanks for your visit hehehehe I see the buy me coffee things is on your side again. Maybe I like to buy you coffee for drawing my picture 😉 i’m not so sure what kind of emotion yet 🙁 should be cheerful and at teh same time with charisma, right?

    hug hug