Arti Sahabat Nidji

Originally I wanted to post this video to stop Indonesian government for bullying Malaysian. With what happen in Padang, I think no need dy la after all this video will change their mind meh? With the help of Malaysian in Padang it show us the Malaysian always a friend no matter what. Arti Sahabat!

Like to take this opportunity to wishes everyone a great Mid Autumn, yesterday! hahahaha and I had a great Laksa Penang at Zuraiza’s house yesterday!

Not forgetting to Speedy, Kim, Daisy Bell, Christina you’re the best!

Good night and enjoy the song, ops! Don’t blame me if you can’t sleep after listening to my singing hahahha

9 responses to “Arti Sahabat Nidji”

  1. hey Netster..
    you’re a singing star!!!
    and a composer too…
    and even though I couldn’t understand the words I loved the tune..
    just a shame that you cut your head off for most of the song 😉 lol
    have a great Thursday xxxx
    .-= laketrees´s last blog ..Is Social Media a Fad? =-.

    • Hello Kim,

      YEs it’s a shame! hahahaha I actually wanted to redo the video but It will take up a lot of time so I decided to post it up without redoing… 🙂

      I should have translate the lyrics! ummmm

      XxOo XOXO XXOO
      .-= Netster´s last blog ..Arti Sahabat Nidji =-.

  2. Loud applause! It was Awesome-Blossom-Quarter-Power-Mower!

    You’re such a good composer!

    and ya, i hope Indonesian do not hold back against us over the Discovery Channel’s dance incident. =( after all, we did help out them with necessities when they were hit by Earthquake in Padang. Omg, I felt the tremor in my 7th floor apartment in Melaka. It was terrific, I was cooking and i felt the tremor! *stunned*


    • Lavenda, you’re too kind! hahahhahaha (That’s a song by an Indonesian band “Nidji” I cut short the song of course 😛 I am not sure the “compose” I don’t write them hahahaha)

      I totally agree on the Discovery Channel issues. Did those people who make a lot of noise and hurt Malaysian in Indonesia actually help those in Padang like Malaysian did? I hope they are 🙂 otherwise they are just a true trouble maker with so much time in hand.

      Melaka felt the tremor??? wow! can’t believe it! Anyway, thank god you’re safe!
