How to use your iPad on a big screen TV? This little overpriced rascal (RM119) will give you the world of possibility

Apple Digital AV Adapter supports for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Plug & play nicely with any LCD TV, Plasma TV or LED TV — basically any big screen TV that support HDMI inputs will work.

Technically you don’t necessary need a Full HD/HD ready TV to use it (bummer if you don’t have one — I’m joking). Get a HDMI converter to magically turn your old tube TV or none HD ready TV to work with your iPad. It’s not that hard really — Maybe the experience might degrade a little.

How-To Use Apple Digital AV Adapter

On iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch the adapter can be use for HDMI output and smartly allow Apple USB to be connected for recharging and accessing data between devices.

To use it – it is as easy as plug-in your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch from one end of Apple digital AV Adapter to other end of your big screen TV via a HDMI cable.

iPad 2 vs. iPhone 4

iPhone & iPad 2 Digital AV Adapter

iPad 2 gives much better experience with this adapter. What you get was a mirrored copy of iOS.

iPhone 4 Digital AV Adapter

iPhone 4 on the other hand do not mirror iOS, only supported apps will get to be display on the big screen.

Apple Digital AV Adapter in Action

iOS iPad2

iOS iPad2

Mirroring turn on — standard screen size. On iPhone 4 mirroring was disable.

Windows 8 on iPad 2

Windows 8 on iPad2

Example of supported apps (Parallels Mobile) in full screen on my 40″HDTV.

When & Where to use Apple Digital AV Adapter?

Possible usage (Please share if you have a different experience)

  • Frequent traveler – If you found yourself stuck with boring channel it’s time to blast your favorite shows from your device to big screen TV in your hotel room.
  • Home Entertainment Setup
  • Presentations

The Upside & Downside

  1. At RM119 I think it’s overpriced. If you are getting one of this unit from none Apple shop it is probably cost half the price and did the exact same thing.
  2. The adapter is a pain to use sometime — slip off from device easily if you accidentally knock it over.
  3. The easier way to view photos and watch movie on big screen TV!

Other than that, have Apple Digital AV Adapter will travel!

2 responses to “Apple Digital AV Adapter”

  1. Awesome post! I would use it for presentations, but I wonder how much it costs. Can’t wait for the new iPad to hit Taiwan soon. I also wanna buy a booqpad. Must look great 🙂

    • Bro if you are doing the presentation on your Mac — you don’t need this cable. You can use the build in Air Play to display it on your Mac. Actually you can try it with your iPhone 4 now. Some apps like PPS actually supports Air Play.

      Booqpad looks pretty good 🙂