If you are in Kuching town area you are likely not facing a shortage of fast Internet service from Digi, Maxis, Celcom, TM, Redtone, P1; Fiber or 4G, you have it all.

Why every major player focuses their service in town area? Hello, how many population in town area by itself? What about the people staying away from the town?

The city is situated on the Sarawak River at the southwest tip of the state of Sarawak on the island of Borneo and covers an area of 431 square kilometres (166 sq mi) with a population about 165,642 in the Kuching North administrative region and 159,490 in the Kuching South administrative region a total of 325,132 people.


REDtone has been in the business for like, forever! 3 years ago I call the sales people, they say 7th miles no fucking coverage. Call again the next year, still no fucking coverage.

Today I check the website, they still no fucking coverage. What the fuck is going on?

Someone is holding the spectrum to sleep and hoping something will happen by itself without pushing the sales and services to consumers.

REDtone happily selling 4G with 1Mpbs down speed to customer on their website and I find this truly unacceptable. 2015 and you still selling 1Mbps down to consumers, really?

New player. Why focuses on town area? Why are you still not serving the need of the people outside the town?

What’s the point coming in to Kuching and not doing your job covering the real area where Internet service is needed the most.

Your new service coverage location is at Sekama (as of this writing). Sekama area is never short of internet service to start with. Why Sekama?

Digi and Celcom
Bloody hell, in some area of 7th miles (stakan and jamboree area) you still servicing 2G to consumers? Come on man, come on! What the hell is going on?

By now, signal should have reached every locations in Kota Sentosa. It’s disheartening to realise the reality of internet connection around International Airport is still poorly developed.

I lost my words to describe Telekom Malaysia. Cable theft is not TM’s fault, but to me having no Internet service since July 2014, that’s unacceptable.

Do you have a plan? Digging the underground for the cable is a great idea. What are you going to do with the overhead cable? Do you blame the cable theft or do you blame the poor planning on how you hang your overhead cable?

Why do you think the theft was able to pull down your cable? Do you have a plan to have a short distance in between cable poles? Don’t you think shorter distant may be the best way to avoid the cable being pulled down easily?

The only Telco that I would get a 3G signal around this area, were awesome until a year ago. What happen? I have made a numerous complain and the service person would just get back to me with no solution.

It’s 2015 and Internet service in Kuching is prioritize toward people living in the town, for the rich and famous population, and for the convenience of installation by ISP where there are already overlapping ISP present.

If you are an ISP, I welcome your explanation!