2010 Blogger of The Year “My Kafkaesque Life”

[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #9b9b9b;”] O [/dropcap]nce in a while we met great people – one or two that would leave great impression to our life. Became great friend and you appreciate the friendship and trust.

Good friends are hard to find and having someone trusted you even harder. My Buddhism friends they remind me about 缘分(Yuánfèn) or simply mean “fate” in English.

Don’t just leave everything to “fate” we take every opportunity to share and respect each other while having great time on social network.

((Drum rolls))

I have enjoy my blogging moment in year 2010 and the very person that change things around my blogging arena is none other than…

Nino of My Kafkaesque life

He put me on a spotlight and his followers & friends start to visit my blog and I slowly get to be their friend. (maybe) His followers some how love to hear my singing (cough)

(Photo /credit MKL)

We even make plan to have a gathering. We started with planning to Bali but than fate push Nino to visit Taipei. Our planning will continue after this advertisement break.

Nino is Taiwan Blog Awards Winners for 2010 recently. His Taiwan adventures can be found here and you may read the interview here.

Big thank you to those responded to my tweets and Facebook wall to participate in the votes.

Ever since Nino met the love of his life in Taiwan lot of explosion happening in his blog. He won the heavy weight title “Best Taiwan Blog Awards 2010” and very recently he a hero for a day on twitter!

To all Nino’s followers, you guys make my 2010 a blast! I’m feeling blessed and from the bottom of my heart thank you for your supports and loves. You guys are super awesome!

List are not in order – all super stars!

In June Nino gave me this Super Commentator Award. It’s been a long time since any one award me with something.

For those who accept this award you have to answer this question, “What are your thoughts on blog commenting? Any funny observation?”

Users feedback in the form of commenting gives me motivation to continue my work. These comments sometime make my day and help me get through my hard day.

Few years’ back I make a mistake on my comment I meant to say “message” but “massage” instead. A funny commenter asks “Any good?” It was so funny, Speedcat should remember this one 🙂

I like to pass this award to Daisy (Thank you For the wedding poem Love you!), Regina, and Lily Riani I can’t believe you girls comment on almost all of my post. I salute you and thank you! Not forgetting Speedycat and  Christina YY 🙂 Cheers!

2010, Nino is the man! He did not only makes thing happen for himself but also to his friends around him. We are proud to have him as friend and he is the most eligible blogger of the year!

Goodbye to 2010 and hello to 2011. I like to take this opportunity to wish every one the best of luck for 2011. let’s catch up for a gathering shall we? See you in 2011!

To my super system admin Ms Lulu 🙂 without you this web has no meaning 🙂 You’re awesome!

“Yesterday is History, Tomorrow a Mystery, Today is a Gift, Thats why it’s called the Present”

Thank you and god bless, let’s moving forward to the year 2011

43 responses to “2010 Blogger of The Year “My Kafkaesque Life””

    • Selamat petang chegu!

      Let’s visit each other more often this year shall we 🙂

      Happy new year to you too and thank you so much for your visit. shall add you to my reader 🙂


  1. Hey!

    Belated Happy New Year (on wordpress lol)!!!
    Thnx a lot for the mention ^^
    Nino definitely deserved the award! hehe I found your blog from his =]

    Looking forward to continue reading you in 2011!
    Wish you an awesome year ahead!


    • Yes I am planning to use more of your photos in the future! hahahhaah Bubble Tea? No problem, we both can have two each! 🙂

  2. @Karen Thank you 🙂 I love to be filled with joy and positive improvement that would be awesome! hugs

    @ The Envoy Thank you! 2011 would be cool with you guys around 😉

  3. Netster, thanks so much for the mention!! I’m blessed to have made wonderful friends on blogger, including you. May you have a happy 2011 filled with joy and positive improvements in whatever you do 🙂

  4. Oh now its your turn to stalk bananaz eh lolz tQ for following . Gotta make sure to throw more peels into your blog so that you slip in often haha.

    • I have added you on my RSS reader for sometime 🙂 I think you don’t have Google Friend Connect when I add you or possible that Google sometime jerking the system around and the adding was not successful although it shown successful.

      It’s good to have Google Friend connect on your site I prefer to add people through Google Friend Connect. My RSS reader will auto fetch from Google so no need for me to add one by one on my RSS reader.

      I guess I have to saman you since you’re littering around 🙂

      • Sorry what’s that Google Friend Connect? How, where, who to connect please?Bananaz is an ID Ten T when comes to high tech stuff. Btw just in case you are wondering what the hell is ID Ten T..it stands for ID-10-T..

  5. @Lulu Happy resting 🙂 (hehehehe late reply)

    @cHrIstInA_YY You’re most welcome! We have got to thank Chobits! without her we won’t have met 🙂 Chi! Chi!

  6. Hey, thanks for mentioning in your post. I wanna thank u too for reading and commenting on my blog =) Not to forget… Happy New Year to you~ hope 2011 would be treating you better, cheers!

      • just didnt realized that 01.01.2011 or 1 January 2011 is just 1.1.11 🙂
        // back from work this morning, got NY-nite shift
        // now borning, listening to Paul Van Dyk, drinking Bacardi …

  7. @Stefbunny Who the heck would laugh at a group hugs? LOL must be hard to be them 🙂 lack of sense of humor hahahahaha

    Yes we should make plan! Happy Bunny Year! Hope you like bunny 🙂

    @Lily Riani Hahahaha you are so cute la… Sure sure call me when you get here… we go yamcha.

    @Bananazஇ LOL why must a fall like durian on 1.1.11? 😛

    @Lizzy Nyoki Nyoki! Nice knowing you too! Kuching is so small and it takes round the world to meet you! This world is such a funny place! ROFL Thanks to Nino 🙂 Let me know when you’re back let go yamcha and cam-whore! LOL okay maybe not :p

    Happy New year all

  8. nino! nino! nino! nino! nino! nino! nino! nino!

    or to pronounce it: nyi-nyo! nyi-nyo! nyi-nyo! nyi-nyo!

    hahaha i dont know where that’s going.

    but thank you netster my fellow kuching blogger!!!!!

    we really should meet up whenever i’m back in town. perhaps eat laksa somewhere in Padungan 😛

    nice knowing you, and hopefully we’ll stay (bloggy or not) friends for ever.

    happy new year, my friend!!!! :p

  9. GOSH! FLATTERED! I never won anything before. Am sooo touch, tere was tear in my eyes (A bit DRAMA right? BUT really!). That’s it! If I ever go to your hometown, we must meet up for yamcha ok?!


    THANK YOU!!!

  10. Haha, I’m one of those guys who found your blog via Nino’s site. ^_^

    Thanks for the mention, I’m really honoured. And thanks also for all the comments that you have left on my blog. I read every single word of what you wrote, even if I don’t reply back. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences.

    2011 will be a better year for you, because I said so.
    Smile, and keep on strumming the quitar with your great voice!

  11. Yes, Nino is the man of the year! Once again, congratulations!

    It’s amazing that fate and internet bring all of us together. Feel blessed to meet each other through blogging. Moreover, some people might think the group hug on Twitter is lame, but I like it, so warm and lovely! Hehe. Yes, looking forward to the Taiwan trip, I’ll let you know once I get my study schedule. Hopefully we can make it this year and meet up with the lovely couple.

    Oh, about the Christmas card, you’re welcome. Glad that you like it as well. 🙂

    Happy 2011!!! It’s gonna be a good good year!

  12. Aw, thanks, Netster! You’re very kind. Thanks for thinking of me. I hope you have much happiness in the new year. 😀

    My thought on blog commenting is that I have met a lot of people and made a lot of friends because of comments I have made or that have been made on my blog. I feel very lucky to have so many friends through blogging. I’m glad you’re one of them, too, Netster. Big hug from Daisy!!

  13. Well ..hmm, I think this is the most thoughtful thing Nester (hugs) (it’s a good thing I kept scrolling (lol) ..seeing I’m on your important list, I guess I should just visit Nino then (I will) . That Panda is so cool..I put this thing up awhile back on my site that I wouldn’t be accepting blog awards (wonder if I could sneak it in)??? Ok..good to see you still have your Santa’s outfit on too! I wore mine on a flight recently..but you didn’t know that did you! (lol). Seriously, wishing you the best ever New Year- certainly be looking forward to more of your thoughts, fabulous photos and food!! Again, your web site is a terrific lay out- (a breeze to use)

    • Regina, hahahaha Luckily I didn’t left you out! LOL You’re of cause very important to me 🙂

      This Santa outfit just won’t came off I have a hard time to get it off… something stuck some where! hahahahah

      I’m glad you like the award hahaha it would be nice if you slot it some where LOL other wise it’s okay you know 🙂 thought that counts hehehehe

      You are a Helicopter! That it so cool! Wow! I’ll hop over to comment later okay

      Happy new year to you and your family HUGS HUGS HUGS

  14. Wow… I was really surprised to see this post, haha. You my friend are really one of the nicest bloggers out there. And since I’m nice, too and have many nice followers, they spilled over to your blog naturally. It is funny, though, how many of the bloggers I found randomly start to follow each other, even became friends. I should invent a new Friendster and be the admin, lol 😛

    Thank you for the honor of writing such a lovely post about me. I truly feel appreciated. Wish you a great 2011 and I really hope you make it to Taipei and we can enjoy bubble tea together. Thank you, bro 🙂

    Happy new year!

    • Hahahaha I knew I have to write this one 🙂 Thanks to you I now have few more friends on the web 🙂

      We could easily start a community hahahaha I have got the web server running in fact http://flexichat.net was our community too. If you want your blog listed there… please msg @lulu

      I hope I will be making my way to Taiwan 2011 but Wifey will be going to Korea first. Lucky girl! Maybe I should just go to Taiwan quietly LOL

      Happy New Year Bro! 😀