2009 What’s Up?

For the first time, I wrote this blog in a hospital. My mom in law was in a hospital. Having a whole room for her seem to help her a little bit on stress.

Anyway, I did some thinking about

My Blog

  1. MKL was doing a blog roundup for year 2009 and I think that’s cool! To check and balance and plan ahead for the New Year is what we need even in blogging.
  2. I may need to reroute my blogging direction, maybe write sex story (Kidding Mmmkay). I find it funny to categorize some of my posts as “about me” I thought that way would explain who the hell I am? Do I need an “About Me” page? Who the hell cares? Do you? hahahaha
  3. I need to redo my Blogrolling, the one that MKL do is fantastic! He slaps my handsome face on his blogroll and I feel good! I hope more girls message me their contacts 😉
  4. I update my blog lesser than I use to, I simply couldn’t manage myself. I left home @7.30am and reach home by 8pm daily. I respect Speedycat @Hollydale for 2 reasons. One, he is triple busy than me but he wrote 1 post a day without fail! Two, he still manage to visit my blog and comment on it without fail! I love you man! I wish you were a girl! I would make you my girlfriend! No? hahahaha
  5. I am thinking to do mobile phones review next year. I am not sure why most people would just come up to me and ask me about phone. I guess they trust my judgments. So I’ll try to do it next year.
  6. I like to thank my best friends for sticking with me through up and down this year. Thank you for helping me to get through my darkest year! Thank you for your constant encouragement Speedycat, Daisy, and Kim.

My life

  1. 2009 has been a difficult year for me. I’ve lost my 6 years job in a bank and I think it probably the best thing that ever happen in my life. The stress is beautifully excruciating!
  2. Here’s interesting part, I taught my sis and my mom how to do insulin injection! I have always been phobia with needle but being an elder’s in the family, I have no choice. (Thought to post the video but need some time to edit)
  3. I learn how to read glucose level as well, again I just need to perform a fast needle poking and measure the blood on a meter, which is easy!
  4. I am now well verse with hospital. I seem to know more about the hospital than banking line already!
  5. Makes me think, I should be a doctor! All the beautiful nurses will be my girl friend.
  6. I felt sick more often this year compare to my whole life records. I use to be very strong but this year my body aching so bad that I have to see western doctor and a Chinese physician.
  7. So I learn that, stress, upset of losing job, some one sick in the family can make a healthy individual become physically sick as well.
  8. I ask more questions about health to Silvy more than a server related problem this year. My big thank you to you XOXO hug hug.
  9. I have attended at least 4 weddings and a baby full moon dinner this year! My friends ask me when would be my turn? I think that’s another stressful question.
  10. I don’t think I am expressing myself very well here but I think the important thing in my life is like what Steve Jobs said, connecting the dots! I hope what I have done for the pass 10 years would eventually shape my destiny.

9 responses to “2009 What’s Up?”

  1. I spent Christmas in the hospital with mom once. Don’t get me wrong, it was a bad year for holidays, but I had such a great talk and undivided attention with her. I learned a lot about her and a bit about myself.
    Blogging a lot? I CHEAT a lot! Most times, I am simply farting around with pictures, and throw some words around them. I also re-post old stuff, as most bloggers were not around when I started. With thousands to choose from, you can always find something.
    AS FOR being a doctor …. I worked at a nursing home when I was out of high school doing maintenance work. Me and lots of nurses and kitchen staff girls. It was dating central man! All I can say is, if you work somewhere with a high ratio of women to men, things happen.
    May the new year bring mostly good things to you Netster. You know life at it’s best is still turbulent. Better than living alone in a cave all your life tho !! Seize, grasp, reach, love, give, and spread happiness. If you do these things daily, you are in fact doing your best.

    Now, I better go post something to keep my good reputation 😉
    .-= Eric “Speedcat Hollydale”´s last blog ..Santa & his Putter in Hawaii at Waialae Country Club =-.

    • Your story very touching Speedy! You are a very loving person. I think I can relate to your story. Thank you for sharing.

      Wow you getting naughty with the nurses and kitchen staffs ya? hehehehe

      May the new year bring mostly good things to you Netster. You know life at it’s best is still turbulent. Better than living alone in a cave all your life tho !! Seize, grasp, reach, love, give, and spread happiness. If you do these things daily, you are in fact doing your best.

      Very Inspiring Speedy! Thank you!

      Now, I better go post something to keep my good reputation
      LOL you have a nice weekend Speedy 🙂

  2. Hi Netster! This was interesting to read more about you. I hope next year will be a better one for you with less stress and better health. It’s good to reflect on the past year and regroup and make plans and set goals for the new year. Hope yours is a very happy one. Thanks for the link too! You’re very sweet. 🙂
    .-= Daisy´s last blog ..Peace on Earth =-.

    • Daisy, Hug hug wooooo

      NO, you’re the sweetest! 🙂

      Thank you I hope next year will be a good year but I guess it not going to be easy not until the last big wave hit me hard before the trouble and issues subside. That’s the part I need to go through.

      The circle of life! Now I am totally at the bottom.

      Netster can come back up! Yes! He can do it!

      I will redo my blogroll section soon and I will make sure your blog link is visible to every one 🙂

      Thank you XOXO
      .-= Netster´s last blog ..What’s cool to do on Saturday? =-.

  3. Hahaha… I see you used MKL tag 😉 What an honor. Glad you did this post, I got to know more about you. I must tell you, when I first found your blog, I clicked on about me, but all I got was posts, haha. I was looking for info about you. It matters, because your new followers want to read a brief intro about you. I think a blogroll is good to connect with your followers, that’s how I do. And I’m happy, if people start following each other, I feel like a match maker, haha. It’s wonderful how many people, who didn’t know each other, but only me, started to follow each other’s blogs 😉

    And since you have a heart comparable to mine, I think you can share some blogluv with a nice blog roll and file up your handsome self with a nice about me page 😉

    Hope your next year will be much better. I like you, because you’re always positive and supportive, so I’ll follow you whatever you’ll write. You always write interesting stuff.

    Be true to yourself and all the best. And ladies will be redirected to your blog 😉

    Happy holidays.

    MKL 😛
    .-= My Kafkaesque Life´s last blog ..Adeline Lee: Singaporean beauty =-.

    • Thanks for being the number one fan to comment 🙂 XOXO

      Oh you notice I use the tag MKL 😉 yeah I reckon you probably have more stuffs coming up and your name could be all over my blog so I better start using a proper tag 🙂

      I have yet to write a proper “about me” page. in fact i think what you write about me on your blogroll is even better hahahaha I should just copy 100% :p I owe Kim this one on her art directory too. I am bad at keeping myself tidy hahahhaa

      Thank you for the support man! 😉

      have a great weekend 🙂 2.44am here… i’m going to sleep. I break my own rule! i should sleep before 12am daily!
      .-= Netster´s last blog ..What’s cool to do on Saturday? =-.